Chapter 21

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Enjoy a short filler chapter for a while ^U^

Tamaki Pov

Ollie was in the hospital for six days before she woke up. The doctors said not to put stress on her, let her relax and calm down.
I don't very well remember the night on the beach after the ambulance came for my sister. We went back to the house and had dinner, but Haruhi was pissed at me the entire time. Then she threw up, some stuff happened with Kyouya, thunder and lightning scared Haruhi, then we were at the hospital for Ollie. Mori wasn't there for any of it after he stormed off at the beach, and that was fine with me.

"Takashi didn't tell you guys? He's going to go train in America with famous kendo trainers for a while. At the least, he'll be gone for three months. At the most, two years." Honey Senpai explained to us while waiting in the hospital. It was awful, seeing the destroyed look on Ollie's face when he said that.

I was glad he would be gone for a while, honestly. Seeing my sister so hurt was crushing, even if Mori was my friend.

2 months later~

Ollie Pov

It's has been two months since Takashi left for America.
In that amount of time, I'd lost 10 pounds from not being able to eat or sleep. I wasn't my old slightly chubby self anymore, I was sickly thin, and it was hard to tell which is more baggy, my clothes, or my eye bags.

My hair is longer, I hadn't cut it in a while.
My voice was always hoarse, I don't use it much.
My face was sunken in, my cheekbones sticking out and and my face thinner than the worlds skinniest model's.

I was hospitalized three times, two for accidentally almost dying, and one for attempting to protect someone.

Tamaki and I were walking down the street, a rare occurrence nowadays, I barely leave my room.
Anyway, I was very sleepy and accidentally stepped out into the road when I wasn't supposed to and got hit.

The second time, I almost fell into a man hole.

The third time, a young boy was running around on a planter box ledge and I tried to catch him before he fell.

He was heavier than I.

I felt so lost in those two months. It felt like someone shot me repeatedly and then stabbed the gun shot wound with a poison laced sword.


I felt like I shouldn't have cared. I knew I was stronger than this. I didn't need him to live my life, I'm a strong, independent woman and I don't need a man.

But at the same time, I did.

I needed him.


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