I kissed his cheek as i opened the door for him. He looked at me with tears falling down his cheeks. He grabbed his things and headed out slamming the door and his way out. I ran my fingers through my hair. I wiped my eye's which were full of tears. I put the pictures of me and Chres and put them face down on the table. I smiled at the picture of me Chres and Veah. I took the pictures upstairs and put it in Veah's room. I called up an old friend and sighed as it rung. After 3 rings he picked up

??: hello ?

Me: hey Craig

Craig: heeeyyyy Jaaaaccooob ! Why you calling so late aint it like 2am over there ?

Me: yea, man i miss you like crazy

Craig: why you say that ?

Me: you'd usually be here when im heart broken

Craig: awwwe what happened

Me: alot Craig.. Alot.

Craig: well im going to Cali for the World Dance competition next week.

Me: really ?!

Craig: yea

Me: thats great ! Congratulations !

Craig: thank you but when i get there we got a lot of catching up to do i met someone

Me: no way yo shy ass didnt meet no one

Craig: im serious Jacob i really like her

Me: fine tell me about her when you get here but im gonna go ok

Craig: dont do anything crazy Jay. We all know how you get when your mad

Me: i havent fucked up a car in like 4 months but its tempting

Craig: dont do it Jacob ! Your gonna go to jail for vandalizing property

Me: fine fine by Craig

Craig: ok bye Jay be safe

Me: i will

I hung up and sighed. Im so alone in this world. I went into my room and stripped down to my boxers getting into my bed. I turned off the lamp and drifted off into sleep.

Chresanto's P.O.V

I didnt leave Jacob's front door for a good hour. After i had put my things in my trunk I sat on the porch thinking and replaying everything he said in my mind. HeMs truly done with me but i cant bring myself to believe that. I sighed and wiped away my tear and stood up heading to my car getting in and driving off. When i got to Zonnique's house i got out locking my car door and walking inside of the house with my bags. Yes i have a key. I walked in and threw my keys on the couch and sat my bags in the living room.

Zonnique: *yawning* Chres its 2 in the mor- he broke up with you ?

I nodded as all the hurtful things iv done to him came back. Tear after tear fell. Zonnique came to hug me and i hugged her back. Even though she helped cause this i needed a hug and i didnt care who it was from at the moment.

Zonnique: shhhhh its ok your with me now ok

I pushed her off and glared at her.

Me: your full of bullshit you know that !

Zonnique: excuse me !?

Me: i let you get in my head all these times ! Using a baby against me that may not be mine ! You know how i am when it comes to my kids and you took advantage of that.. Ugh your so.. So fucking ignorant ! You have no heart ! I thought i meant what i said when i said no trying to break us up !

Zonnique: but i didnt ! That was all you ! Not me so dont go blaming EVERYTHING on me !

Me: ALL those times you called saying you had pains werent true were they ?!

She stayed quiet i shook my head and punched the wall putting a dent in it.

Zonnique: he was getting so much attention !! So much ! I wanted that ! Im pregnant my emotions fly sky fucking high !

Me: doesn't mean you get to fuck with mine ! You've been seducing me this whole time and i let myself get drawn to you again ! Jacob may not ever take me back because you cant find your own love and heart ! Im not blaming it all on you.. Its my fault to. I LET you do things that you shouldnt even have the privilege to do ! I should have killed you when i found out you were working with Kevin !

Zonnique: you wouldnt kill your own child ! They wouldnt be happy if they were ever looking down on you.

I stopped and thought. "your daughter is watching over you to and she wouldnt be so happy" Kevin said before i shot him and killed him. I looked at her and sat down before i lost my cool and smacked the shit out of her.

Me: did i ever have a daughter before Veah was born ?


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