Part 47 Impact

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An intense killing pressure filled the air.

"Your dead".

After stating Darkseid's death Hajime charged forward towards him with "Donner" up front.

Wasting no time "Donner" fired a seemingly endless amount of bullets Darkseid's way with every shot meant to deal a deadly blow. 

Keeping a calm and quiet posture Darkseid didn't move even an inch out of the way.

"... Now" stated Darkseid.

That next moment to block the incoming attacks from Hajime Yue jumped in the way of all of the shots using her own body as a meat shield to protect Darkseid from any harm. 

Thwack... Thwack... Thwack... Thwack... Thwack... Thwack...

Seeing this Hajime stopped his assault.

"..." (Hajime)

"..." (Darkseid)

"..." (Yue)

After quickly getting shot and then using her regenerative magic just as fast all of the bullet wounds Yue received rapidly healed themselves up. 

"... So you intend to use Yue to block all of my attacks so then i'll have no option but to pick a choice between either saving her and risk getting captured or... killing her myself so she wont get in the way of your demise".


Siiigh "... I guess I've got no choice then".


"I'll pick option 3, which is to get past Yue without out harming her and blow your brains out with my gun to your head, but only after putting my hands around your neck and strangle you first. So you can look forward to that".

"... Go and take care of him".

Following his orders Yue dealt to kill her own lover.

Starting off she thought to bind Hajime's movements so he couldn't get away.

"... "Crystal coffin".

Gusts of ice'y wind burst from Yue's finger that she pointed at Hajime and attempted to freeze him in place making it easier to subdue him for Darkseid's plan.

Seeing this Hajime jumped back to avoid his capture, however because of her spell being one of the fastest to activate her attacked did manage to freeze his left leg in place as he jumped away.  


Jumping back he laid eyes upon his leg.


Looking back he saw razor sharp needles of ice being shot his way. To stop them he used his good leg to stomp the floor then using his most well known skill "Transmute" he raised the ground creating a strong and sturdy wall so that Yue's attack would shatter on the impact. Knowing hes not got much time to spare Hajime shot at the ice surrounding his leg cracking it so it would be easier to break.   

Once the ice came off of Hajime jumped back once again. 

As he did fireballs rained down from above one after another impacting the previous spot where Hajime stood. 

After that more attacks came one after another with no end of them in sight. First was Yue's "Storm gust" which create a whirlwind bursting through the wall hitting Hajime in his stomach and temporally bringing him to his knees. Next was "Wing Blades" which cut his skin all over his body as he tried to defend himself, and then by using "Updraft" she lifted Hajime up from the ground and threw him back further away causing him to slide painfully onto the floor. However in spite of all of this Hajime stood back up once again.

'Damn it this is going to take to long especially since Yue's amount of magical power is almost infinite. If I'm going to win this I need to exhaust her amount of mana and tire her out as quickly as possible, and when I do I can finally kill Darkseid. ... If this is going to work then there's only one thing that might be able to do the trick and turn the tide in my favor, but even if I do manage to pull it off there is a risk that Yue... could be pertinently killed'.

"Sigh... aw screw it, its better to ask for forgiveness then permission anyway besides... she'd do the same for me if our positions were the other way around".

After Hajime was done muttering to himself he acted out his initial plan.

"Is that all you got Darkseid is this the limit of your control, because I know for a fact that Yue can do a hole lot better then this".


"I mean she hasn't even used her most powerful attack against me yet, and because of this it only convinces me all the more that your not all that powerful or ruthless as everyone else claims you to be. Everything you've done is just so lackluster".


"Honestly... I just expected so much more out of you. How disappointing".

"... Go and bring him to his knees NOW".

Hajime smiled at his words.

"About time, now lets end this shall we".

Standing his ground Hajime pulled out his "Mechanic Shield" from his "Treasure trove" and thrust it into the floor with himself right behind ready to take on anything coming his way.

"... Go "Five heavenly dragons".

With a just a few simple words Yue cast her most powerful spell combining 5 of her own original magics into 1. "Draconic Thunder", "Sapphire Serpent", "Storm Dragon", Frost Wyrm" and "Stone Wyvern".

This unstoppable force charged straight ahead to deal with Hajime once and for all. 

The high level spell impacted Hajime's defence and created a huge explosion blowing every one away with the exception of Darkseid who was only slightly pushed back from the force. 

As smoke filled the air Hajime got up and rushed over to find and take Yue's hand to make sure that she was alright. He found her collapsed on the floor and as he approached he hugged her tight and then whispered something into her ear. 

I will get you back no matter who stands in my way.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon