Part 4 End Of Round 1

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With a stone cold serious tone in his voice while saying those words he commanded the mechanical griffin to attack Green Lantern so he could escape and take on his final foe. "TAKE CARE OF THE FLYING GLOW STICK AND RIP HIS DAMN HEAD OFF" Hajime shouted while staring right at it. With it's orders received it shrieked then obeyed his command.

"Ah hell" said Green Lantern with a concerning look on his face.

While still holding Hajime in place Green Lantern was bracing for an impact but to his surprise Martian Man-hunter intervened and was trying to hold it back with all of his might.   As the griffin was pressing on it shrieked and cried out following it's command then it started firing out bullets from the machine guns that it had tucked away in it's sides for a more powerful and aggressive attack. With Martian Man-hunter taking the bullets into his chest it caused him extreme pain and with him crying out all of the suffering that he was going through in order to protect his friend.

Seeing what he was going through Green Lantern shouted at Hajime to stop this immediately and to just back down. "STOP THAT THING RIGHT NOW OR SO HELP ME I WILL SHOVE THAT GUN OF YOURS SO FAR UP YOUR ASS THAT YOU WILL BE SPITTING OUT BULLETS ALL NEXT WEEK" 

"You started this by getting in my way so it's your own fault that this is happening, don't expect me to apologize or stop for just defending myself". With that all said with a serious tone and deadly serious eyes Hajime dropped 2 silver like balls on the ground from his left hand releasing a mechanical chimera and another griffin which were other wise known as "Grim Reapers" from them, with them appearing right in front of him Green Lantern had this to say "so that's how the first one appeared huh, well doesn't matter there going to get scraped either way." 

In order to fight Green Lantern threw Hajime into a near by truck causing him to get slightly dizzy and to just be disorientated enough so he would be out of the way and not intervene in his fight. The first move was his and he started by forming a giant robot construct which he piloted to combat the metal monsters, as the fight began the beasts flew into the air shooting non-stop at the green robot hoping to take it down leaving nothing but destruction in his wake. 

The bullets were hitting all over causing it to crack and slowly break apart but because he would not go down without a fight Green Lantern fought back shooting out missiles which hit causing one to fall down with a trail of smoke right behind while the other one continued it's assault.

Feeling he was going to lose despite his odds now that there was only one left he mustered up all of the will power that he had left and he shot out an energy beam right through the remaining robot beast causing it to explode into thousands of little pieces scattering it's remains through out the area it was in. Tired and exhausted from this battle Green Lantern caught his breath then went over to Hajime to put him under arrest however he was knowhere to be found in the wreckage of the truck. 

"You know if you just left me alone none of this would of happened after all I am looking for someone un-replaceable to me and you just keep wasting my time and getting in my way so this needs to end right now" those words were said to Green Lantern in his ear and then suddenly he was kicked in his right side excruciatingly hard which caused him to cough up blood half way through the impact which then knocked him out cold right then and there.

"Alright now that he's been taken care of time to move onto the last one" said Hajime however "CRASH". 

"...Never mind good job" Hajime also said while looking at the now badly beaten to a pulp Martian Man-hunter with the griffin behind him. 

"GOD DAMN IT BREATH I will not let you die here tonight" said Cyborg trying to save the dying man of steel. Throughout the battle he just faced Hajime completely forgot about them and was just going to leave until he got an idea. 

"Hey tin man if I save him will you leave me alone" said Hajime while staring at them. 

"Wha... what" said Cyborg

"I said if I save him will you leave me alone" said Hajime repeating his question. Cyborg stared at him with a desperate face thinking about what to do. 

"If the league leaves you alone you will just cause more mayhem and leave dead bodies in you way" said Cyborg.

"True I can't deny that but what other choice do you have? or should I just leave now in which case he dies anyway" said Hajime.

"Why would you choose to help in the first place then?" said Cyborg.

"...That doesn't matter so hurry up and decide, your wasting time you know. Or do you think you can save him yourself?" said Hajime while looking at him with a face that says he doesn't care which option is picked.

A cold sweat ran down the human side of his face as Cyborg answered his question "fine here is my answer".

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