Part 45 Straight Between The Eyes

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When Virman Vundabar snapped his fingers millions of parademons flew out of the ground of Darkseid's stronghold just outside. Tearing through the ceiling they all locked there gazes upon both Hajime and Yue at the same time.

With a smug smile on his face Virman Vundabar felt a supreme superiority over the two of them.

"This, this is the almighty Darkseid's army, every parademon available including the ones that were stationed outside are all in here, now behold and tremble at his awesome might".

"... Is that all you got? Because if it is I'm not impressed" stated Hajime.

Virman Vundabar's smile turned completely upside down at Hajime's remark he then coldly stared him down.

"... Parademons attack".

"Straight to the point, I like that".

Giving a determined look Hajime launched forward filled with killing intent leaking out.

Following her beloveds example Yue charged as well.

Hajime started off by continuously shooting down the parademons from the ground and as he did after killing dozens more he then jumped onto the back of one of them and grabbed on tight from behind by chocking it with his left arm. In reaction to the sudden surprise the parademon screamed then flew high into the air and began to spin around trying to shake him off, it randomly flew around the stronghold until finally approaching Virman Vundabar himself. 

As the parademon struggled to get free by trying to pull Hajime's arm off Hajime started to punch it in the face with his free arm so it would waver and crash near to wear Virman Vundabar was located on the field. As Hajime cached a glimpse of where he was he grabbed a hold of both the parademons wings from behind and started to tear them off it's back so it would crash right on top of him hoping to kill him in one go, before it crashed he quickly jumped off so it would be safer for him to land.

Clap... clap... clap... clap. "Excellent truly excellent... I am just in awe other worlder you truly do know how to put on a good show" clap clap clap.

Creating a smug and somewhat prideful gloating Virman Vundabar witnessed the battle before him, during the fight between the two forces he lost sight of Hajime but because of the parademons falling down from all around him he assumed that Hajime was the cause behind of this.   

With out hiding his joy Virman Vundabar spoke some more.

"With you showing me what power you possess there is no doubt that the almighty Darkseid was not wrong in choosing you for his plans. Now... fall to our numbers so we may proceed to the next phase".

With a wide smile Vundabar felt untouchable however high above him a noise could be heard. Looking up his expression turned into fear.

With a pale colour filling his face he jumped out of the way of the parademon that came crashing towards him.

BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM. As it crashed smoke filled the air.

"Huh huh huh t... th... that was to close for comfort, huh huh I... I think I just lost some years of my life from that frightening experience, it's a good thing that I noticed it in time. Hajime Nagumo... that individual is a scary person indeed".  

"You have no idea".

With Virman Vundabar shaking in fear while crouching onto the ground from jumping out of the way he slowly turned his head to see Hajime standing right behind him. To shaken to move Vundabar couldn't speak a single word.

"Now then there's a lot I want to know so if you value your life start off by telling me where I can find Darkseid" asked Hajime while pulling out "Donner" at pointing it at Vundabar's face.

"Y...I ...W ...I ..."

"Siiigh fine then lets do this the hard way".


Hajime lowered his gun at Vundabar's knee at shot at it with no ounce of hesitation at all.

Virman Vundabar screamed in pain as blood poured out of his new wound.


"Wheres Darkseid?"

"Y... you will never defeat him... y... y... you will fail".


Bang. Hajime shot him in the other knee.


"I didn't ask for your opinion I asked where he was located, now tell it to me straight or the next bullet goes through your skull".

"F... fine I will look forward to when you lose. The mighty Darkseid is in his throne room at the heart of the stronghold waiting for your arrival. That is where you will find him".

"... Thanks for the cooperation". 'Yue lets go'.

'Nn... are you sure what about the army' asked Yue while burning 6 Parademons to a crisp.

'Leave it to the "Grim reapers" they can handle them from here on out'.

'Nn... alright'.

After speaking into each others mind Yue lowered herself from above next to Hajime's side. Upon her arrival she saw Virman Vundabar bleeding out onto the floor.

"What about him?" asked Yue.

"If what he told me was true then i'll spare his life, if not then I will come back and finish the job. Now lets go and end this".


Both Hajime and Yue walked past Vundabar leaving him behind.

"Hajime... Nagumo... ha ha ha when you meet Darkseid you would of realized by then that you made a grave mistake by not killing me here and now because in this moment its time to play the secret card up our sleeve to finally take you down".

10 minutes pass until Hajime and Yue enter the heart of the stronghold and what awaits them is a throne in the center of the room with there enemy sitting right there on top. 

"So you have come at last Hajime Nagumo just as I foretold".

"I take it your Darkseid?"


"Great", bang. 

After Hajime finished speaking he aimed and shot "Donner" straight between Darkseid's eyes.  

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