Part 38 Yue v Batman Part 1

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"Crimson Javelin" a spiral shaped spear was formed from a small flame radiating from Yue's fingertip and flew through the air aiming for Batman's heart.

Batman dodged to his right by jumping out of the way and throwing a batarang in his place at Yue to knock her off balance so he take her down.

Standing still and only shifting her head slightly to the left the batarang scraped Yue's check as she dodged out of the way after that Yue used her a skill and summoned a dozen "Fireballs" pointed at Batman then they charged at him with a deadly killing intent inside. Batman got up and dodged each one going backwards barely avoiding them as they rushed past, the heat radiating off of them made him slightly sweat from how hot they had become. The last fireball that he dodged bolted back around and hit him in the back pushing him forward and onto his knees with him looking down.

"Arrrrrrgh huh... huh...huh..."

"Now die for attacking my Hajime you bat dressed freak".

"B... before you attack just know this Yue your husband killed thousands of innocent people to try to find you so even if you do kill me the rest of the Justice League will take the both of you down".

"... How do you know my name".

"Its the only reasonable conclusion that makes sense Hajime told me of you the first time we met, he asked for our help to find you since he couldn't do it by himself".

"... Regardless of what Hajime's done to get me back I'm still going to kill you for attacking him".


"The Hajime I know would never kill innocent people if it was in his control so if they did die it was unintentional".

"... Huh my mistake, I guess trying to get you to sympathize the dead and the living with what they had lost is just a waste of time, your just as cold heart'd and he is and you both need to be taken down".

Batman threw a pellet on the ground at Yue's feet and when it was close enough to her a dark gas erupted from the inside causing her to cough repeatedly with tears pouring from her with no end of it in sight. Yue collapsed on her knees holding her throat with one hand and covering her mouth with the other.

"Cough.. cough... w... what is this cough.. cough... cough..." 

"Specially modified high efficacy tear gas, I use it on villains with a strong and resilient body type when physical attacks can't get through and since you would see it if I threw it from afar I had to get in a close enough proximity to use it on you" said Batman getting up while staring down at Yue.

"Now that your immobilized for the time being stay put while I send Hajime far away then when I'm done with him I'll deal with you".

Batman walked past the taken down Yue towards Hajime who was face down on the floor. As he approached he took out the phantom zone device from the back of his belt that he took back from Flash without anyone else knowing and pointed it at Hajime ready to send him to the phantom zone without a shred of doubt or a second thought.

Before he could fire Yue got back up and spoke.

"W... wind blade cough... cough... cough..." a sharp blade of wind was formed and shot its way at  Batman's back aiming to slice him in half. Batman heard what she said from behind and stood still not fearing anything from her attack. Yue thought that she would land a hit however by thinking ahead that because she was with Hajime she might of had similar power to his own Batman took extra precaution when facing her and had prepared for such an event like this.

Yue's magic diminished as fast as it was created just inches away from where it would of struck, puzzled to why she asked "W... what? cough... cough... how?"

Batman turned around and spoke .

"That gas that you inhaled was meant for a lot more then just stopping or slowing down your movements, thousands of microscopic nanites are going around and working throughout your body making sure that you cant use magic. Given that Hajime could use magic I assumed that you could do the same and I was right, that gas temporally neutralizes your magical properties by analyzing any non recognized components in this universe and stopping its function immediately. I was able to develop this smoke due to a acquaintance of mine named Zatanna who practices in the magical side of crime fighting. Now I am going to give you one chance, leave him now or your going with him into the phantom zone".

"N... never".

Yue lunged and took a swing at Batman however he blocked it and cracked her in the face knocking her back onto the floor still without any emotion in his face. With tears running down her face still caused by the gas Yue crawled to Hajime's aid with all of her strength but before she did she gripped the front of Batman's boot activating one final skill before she could no longer move. 

"What are you?"

"Crystal Coffin".

Ice materialized from her hand and crawled its way up Batman leg freezing him in place unable to move.

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