Part 9 Going After Ivo

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With Cyborg hearing about the situation that Superman was in he boom tubed straight to were he was in order to help out any way that he could.

"Superman I'm here t..." as Cyborg arrived the first thing he saw was Hajime looking at him with a  tense glare but he shrugged it off to help out his friend in need. "Explain to me what it is that exactly happened here".

"There was an explosion I checked it out then I came down here to find that person holding a beaten and bloody Lex about to end him until I convinced him to wait so I can help him look for something in the computer but because you know more I called you to help out" said Superman in a rushed voice.

Cyborg just stared at him thinking what to do then said this a moment later "alright you head back up and see what you can find meanwhile I will stay down here and look at Lex's computer".

Superman looked at Cyborg then looked over at Hajime with a concerned face then nodded at his friend showing his trust in him and that he can be relied on. With Superman flying back up the hole that he once flew down Cyborg turned his attention to Hajime to say this "What the hell are you doing here we had as agreement".

"The deal was that I would save your friends life and in return you would look for who I'm searching for with your bat friend and just because you started looking doesn't mean that I would stop and not do what I need to do in order to find her myself" said by Hajime responding to his question.

"So why are you specifically here then" said Cyborg.

"I have this device that can find anything or anyone anywhere on this world however something is blocking it and because of this instead of immediately finding her I have to search myself, the only way that I can think of it being blocked is if someone smart anuff is using some device to stop me from locating her so to save time I just found the smartest person near by to see if he was the culprit" said Hajime answering his question.

"So you think Luther had something to do with it" said Cyborg. 

"Yes I think he does and if not I will just find someone else" said by Hajime. 

Knowing why he is now here Cyborg looked down thinking what to do next after a ruff minute passed he said this "you wake up Luthor and I will see if he picked up something in his computer".

With that being said Cyborg rushed over to analyse the data on the computer Luthor gathered over the past several weeks to see if any disturbances had appeared. As Cyborg looked at the servers Hajime said nothing as he walked over to Lex grabbing the front of his business suit then just started to slap him hard on the face continuously to wake him up from his black outed state. "Wake up baldy time to answer my questions already".

"... Urgh wha... what do you want from me "cough cough" I already told you... I don't know who you are looking for" said Lex starting to reopen his eyes.

"See that guy over there he is going through every bit of information that you have gathered over the past couple of months about any energy disturbances that you might of picked up. So my question is this have you detected any energy signatures over the past 3 months yes or no?" said Hajime asking his question.

"... I did detect a strange energy signature once in Gotham city and because it was unlike anything I had ever seen before I thought I could weaponize it to take down Superman so I put a tracker on it and followed it's signature to Ivo industries. I don't know what it was but if its got anything with who you are looking for then that person has to be there" Lex said answering.

Hajime stared down at Luthor from above and then spoke "Ivo industries huh fine then I'll go there next". With the conversation over Hajime turned around walked up to Cyborg then said this "Hey tin man you find anything yet".

With his back towards Hajime Cyborg answered with this "It would seem that Luthor caught an energy frequency in Gotham then traced it back t..."

Before he could finish speaking Hajime hit him with a small emp short circuiting him out temporally then after that he started to wipe where he had located the energy's presence on the computer and on him so that only he would know where it was.

"Sorry about that but I can't have you knowing were I'm going next" with Hajime saying those words he took out his crystal key thrust it into the open air then opened a gate way straight to Ivo industries leaving Cyborg, Luthor and Superman behind.

With Hajime gone Luthor straightened himself up sorted out his tie then made a emergency call "It's me the target is heading over as planned". With the short conversation over and Cyborg still unconscious Luthor said this "Now then with that over with I guess it's time to make up my explanation to sort this whole mess out". 

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