Part 50 Origin Part 1

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In a house located in Japan the running footsteps of a small little girl could be heard going down into a basement.

"Papa are you in here".

The small girl behind that voice was the princess of the Nagumo household Myuu.

"Oh Myuu yeah I'm here just give me one second more... and finished. Now what was it y..."

Before Hajime could finish speaking Myuu jumped into his lap head fast however because of his tough physique he didn't feel a thing.

"Oi Myuu didn't I tell you to stop doing that".

"Ha haa sorry papa".

With an innocent look on her face Hajime let it go then patted her head with a gentle touch.

The soft touch made Myuu happy as she hugged him tight.

"So what was it you wanted to see me about again".

Myuu suddenly looked straight into Hajime's eyes. 

"Ah that's right nano. Papa can you take me to a world full of superheroes for my 9th birthday next week pleeease".

"... Where's this coming from all of a sudden".  

"Big sis Shia told me about it the other day, apparently she was reading a manga about different World's she borrowed from big sis Yue then wondered about there being a world full of nothing but superheroes. She was so excited by the idea she told me right away and about how seeing such a world would make me so happy nano. So can you please do it papa pleeease nano".

"... Myuu you should know by now that there are only 9 worlds we can visit right and none of them are anywhere close to what you want to see".

"Papa you can do it if you try and besides... I believe in you nano".

That last remark hit Hajime where he couldn't say no.

"Ahhhh fine I'll see what I can do" said Hajime while rubbing his head.

Showing a grand and happy smile Myuu hugged Hajime even tighter.

"Yay I love you papa and best of luck nano".

Just like that Myuu left just as quickly as she had arrived.

"Oh god damn it, just how the hell am I going to pull this off exactly". 

Making a sulking expression Hajime got to work.


"OK lets see... a superhero world... a superhero... world... a world full of super... heroes. Alright first off a superhero is uptight, law abiding and interfering in others lives, that's basically a whole world full of Amanogawa's..." shudder "I really don't want to go to a world like that it sounds like a living nightmare but since Myuu asked I guess it wouldn't hurt to check it out right Shia".

Hajime looked across his living room with his arms folded sitting down at Shia who is tied up on the couch.

"Say Hajime can you please let me go now desu I said I'm sorry for planting that idea of travelling to a superhero world into Myuu's head already didn't I".

"Don't play dumb the reason you got tied up in the first place is because you made this mess to begin with and your not getting free until you fix it that won't change no matter how many times you apologise".

"But that's not my fault".

"Shifting the blame onto others isn't good you know".

"I do not want to hear that from you".

"... Anyway getting back to the main topic whats your solution for all of this".

"... Well if I had to guess I think you need to search beyond the worlds you've already visited".

"Hmmm... I suppose I could give it a go".

At that moment Yue walked into the room by entering the house.

"Nn... I'm back...  Hajime... what's going on here and why... is Shia tied up".

"Shia got Myuu to want to visit a world full of heroes with super powers and when she asked me if I could find it I caved and said Yes so now she's here to fix her mess and to not escape while trying to do so I tied her up so she wouldn't get away".

"I see... well good luck then".

"Wait Yue please help me".

Turning to face Shia Yue made a confused face.

"Shia if you made this mess just like Hajime said then you need to clean it up because if you don't Myuu will hate you for getting her hopes up you know".

"I... I know that but still".

"And besides why should I help you when I am currently busy doing something important at the moment".

"Your not busy doing something important you just want to continue getting back to your neet lifestyle".

"I AM  NOT A NEET" shouted Yue.

"..." (Shia)

"..." (Yue)

"... Regardless please still help me out".

"... I don't know..."

Shia stood up and hoped over to Yue's side still tied up and whispered into her ear.

"If you don't help me out I am going to tell Hajime about your secret photo collection of him while he's sleeping that's you've hidden underneath your bed".

Yue's face was full of shock.

"H... how do you know about that".

"He he he being stealthy is part of a Haulia tribe must you know".

Feeling defeated Yue gave in.

"... Fine you win".

"Great, you see that Hajime Yue agreed to help" said a smiling Shia facing towards Hajime.

"I see... but still Yue... are you sure about this, I mean what did Shia threaten you with exactly".

"I... Just decided to help her in her time of need that's all. Shia... didn't threaten me in any way".

"I see... well I guess if your OK with it".

"Yes... I... am OK with it".

"I see..."

With a drifting away look in her eyes Yue agreed set off with Hajime to look for a superhero world.

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