Part 54 Calling In The Cavalry

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With Steppenwolf dead the Parademon's that watched from afar began to retreat back through the boom tubes that brought them here however DeSaad had other plans in mind.

Pressing on a switch near him he contacted Darkseid. Kneeling down he spoke.


"What news do you have for me DeSaad".

"It is about the individuals fighting Steppenwolf my master"


"... It appears that Steppenwolf has been killed".

The news of one of Darkseid's top generals being killed surprised even himself however he quickly moved on from that thought.

"... What do you think of the current status regarding the individuals".

"If I may be so blunt my master they have proven themselves to be precious resources we could capture and exploit to rid our selves of those detestable New Gods once and for all. I will follow  your command so what would you have me do".

 "... Capture the strongest out of the 2 and send them to earth so Luthor can control them to obey any and all of my commands given, and should he succeed he shall get what we agreed upon. With them under my control Know All Farther will finally perish by my hand".

"As you wish my master".

"Know I will not tolerate failure DeSaad if you don't complete your task I will kill you myself".

"... Yes master".

DeSaad broke contact leaving Darkseid to his thoughts.

'If these individuals are capable of killing the New Gods then they will be the key to finally acquiring the anti life equation on earth, and should they encounter the justice league they will fall one by one paving my way to that miserable planets demise once and for all'. 

Back on New Genesis DeSaad ordered the capture of Hajime.

"Parademon's swarm and capture the male individual while killing the female beside him". 

Parademon's arrived in drones swarming the area surrounding Hajime and Yue in front of Steppenwolf's corpse.

 "Nn... Hajime they are surrounding us".

"Really? after showing them what we were capable of it should of been obvious that they were just outclassed. Oh well lets deal with these guys then head to this universes earth".


As the prepared to fight the Parademon's surrounding the 2 scratching there claws and getting to bite down on there flesh to incapacitate and kill.

As they swarmed in Hajime fired 'Donner' killing them in rows dozens of times over while Yue used her magic 'Asura' to crush them from the inside out using a heavily concentrated form of gravity.   

As Hajime and Yue killed there enemy's and after so many of the Parademon's were flying all around some Parademon's managed slipped through because even though they were up against the God slaying demon king and immortal gothic vampire princess they couldn't cover all of there blind spots while fighting so many enemy's up close. 

Being given this one in million chance of an opening they ended up grabbing Hajime arm causing him to slightly miss his shot and leave the smallest of a gap ready to press on there attack. 

They clawed at his body grabbing all of his limbs and started to take off.

With out a putting up a struggle Hajime easily got free and then landed back onto his feet.

Seeing this DeSaad thought of a plan. 

'It would seem capturing the stronger one is a difficult task indeed. Hmmm...' it was at this point that he saw Yue next to Hajime heling all of her wounds that she had received. 'Instant regeneration? ... she is capable of such a thing. The way these 2 individuals fight and judging by there attraction to each other she must be his partner so if I can capture her the other one will follow'.

DeSaad sinisterly smiled.

"Parademon's these are your new orders capture the female and bring her to earth".

A boom tube appeared 30 feet away from there fight leading straight to earth.

Each Parademon screamed then tried to steal Yue away.

Due to there immense swarming they managed to create a space between the 2. Seeing a blind spot the Parademon's grabbed Yue's legs from behind trip her up onto the ground then drag her away. As soon as she fell she shouted Hajime's name.


Hajime heard Yue call his name as he crushed a Parademon's head in-between the palm of his left hand.  


Seeing this Hajime leaped toward her voice. Even though they went all that far away the distance between them grew all the more larger as the enemy sped up there speed.

"Hold on I'll be right there".

Both reached out there hands and as they all most touched a Parademon from above slammed Hajime into the ground. With this act Yue was taken away into the boom tube to earth.

Seeing Yue taken away Hajime screamed in frustration.


To ease his furry Hajime slaughtered every Parademon present in the area.

DeSaad spoke of what to do next.

"Now that the objective is complete a decoy should be put in place to lead the other individual astray until preparations can be put in place". DeSaad decided to contact Lex Luthor.


"DeSaad... what business does Darkseid's lackey have with me".

"I will transfer a energy signal to you when you receive it place in an area the Justice League can find it".

"Why? where does the signal come from?"

"That is not your concern do this then lord Darkseid will give you what you are owed".

"... Very well it shall be done".

After setting everything in place DeSaad left Hajime on his own.

"Yue... wherever you are I will find you and if any body gets in my way there dead". A fierce look appeared on Hajime's face. Right after he thrust his "Compass of Guidance" and "Krystal key" into the air and opened a portal to earth.  

With Hajime going through the portal the story of how they arrived on this earth comes to a close. When Yue finished her story a brief silence filled the air.

"... Okay".

Everyone gazed at Batman who spoke first.

"Okay what?" asked Yue.

"Okay we will help you stop Darkseid and get Hajime back".

"... Glad to hear it, but before we go there's something I need your help with first".

"Which is?"

"We need to get my family from my world".

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