Part 6 Flashback

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As Cyborg stood there all alone by him self while uttering the words "damn it" to nothing except thin air he recalled himself making the decision as to weather or not he would accept the offer that Hajime had presented before him.

(Flash back)

"Fine here is my answer" said Cyborg deciding on what to do. "If you do it, if you save Superman I will convince the rest of the Justice League to leave you alone to find your missing person".

"Before I do save him don't you need to talk it over with your companion over there who never took his eyes off of me once even though he was chained up far away." said Hajime pointing to Batman who was the only leaguer missing from the fight with his magic viewing stone that he had on him.

"Save his life and I will talk it over with him that is my guarantee" said Cyborg with a quick response.

"...Fine I suppose ill take your word for now, and besides I guess if you did try to do something I could just always put a bullet through your brain" said Hajime with careless face. With that all said and done Hajime approached Superman then blasted up into the sky his "Bel Agartha" artifact which then shot down a beam of light covering him with regeneration magic healing his wounds at a rapid pace. While he was fixing him up Cyborg rushed over to Batman to try to get him out of those chains which were holding him back. 

Batman had this to say "He said that they are pretty much indestructible which suggests that there is a method to beak them because he didn't say the word completely, you just need to find out what it is". As he tried to cut,burn,melt,shatter and many other things to break him free Cyborg decided to talk to him and decide what they are going to do. "I said that if he saves Superman I would try to convince you and the rest of the league to just leave him alone but given the circumstances do you think there was another option were he could of lived without his help?"

"...No given from iv'e seen if you didn't agree Clark would of most certainly died from his injuries that he received. Or though something is off... if he had no problem killing like what he was going to do with me then why shoot at him were he wouldn't die instantly?" said Batman with a puzzling question.

"Who knows I can't understand his thoughts at all so for now we should just be lucky that none of us are dead" said Cyborg. Batman replied with a silent stare at Hajime.

With the healing of Superman over he was left passed out on the ground while Hajime walked over to Batman and Cyborg to make sure they keep there end of the agreement that they had struck.

"Your companion is healed so now all of you stay out of my way understand" said Hajime. With that said he took out a key and thrust it in mid-air a second later a gate appeared to a new location which Hajime was about to walk through until Batman said something behind him "we can help you look for your missing person". Hajime stood there with his back to them saying nothing then pointing his gun at the 2 with a killing pressure oozing out. "Why should I believe a word you say huh because if your going to trick me then you need to do a lot better then that" said Hajime.

"No tricks if you set me free I can help you find who you are looking for" said Batman.

"...In order to break free pull the chain apart with the glow stick man and warrior woman they should be strong anuff to break it when they recover and as for helping me find my person both of you will do it, after you both look the most resourceful out of all the rest" said Hajime with his gun still pointed at them. "Take this smartphone I made to contact me even if you find the smallest thing I will look into it to see if she's there, ...also if you tell anyone at all what either of you are going to do I will track them down one by one and make them wish that you never told them in the first place alright, I don't need any more loose ends then what I already have" Hajime said with a cold tone during the last part.

"What does your person look like, we need to know encase we find him" said Cyborg.

"She has blonde hair, red eyes, a small figure and goes by the name of Yue" with those only words being said Hajime stepped through his gate which he made only moments ago and pressed on to find her in a hurried pace.

(End of flashback)

After recalling what went down Cyborg took a deep breath and then went straight to the watchtower computer to see what he could find out.

Elsewhere in a dark room the sound of a restless girl could be heard "Wh... when my lover comes for me you should prepare for a merciless death".

"Hmph we will see" said a mysterious figure half shown in the shadows.

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