Part 48 I Need Your Help

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As Hajime whispered in Yue's ear he checked her pulse on her hand to make sure that she was alright. After confirming she was OK he placed her down and put a spare "Crystal Key" and his "Compass of Guidance" in her pocket then looked at with caring eyes and kissed her on her head.

"That last attack has taken a lot out of you so take this chance to rest up while you can Yue. With what little strength you have left the best you could do is just slump around and barely manage to walk on your feet, honestly you got lucky it wasn't anything serious. ... Once I'm done I'll take you back home so just wait a little longer OK Yue, I love you".

Hajime took a deep breath stood up and stared Darkseid down from a short distance away.

"Yue's to exhausted to continue doing your bidding now it's just you and me".

"... The woman is of no consequence, she has fulfilled her purpose in lowering your stamina that is all that matters".

"... Yeah well do you actually believe that just because I'm a little tired that's enough to give you the edge in taking me down".


"... lets find out then shall we".

Hajime vanished from where he stood and appeared before Darkseid's front uppercutting him in the face with his mechanical arm.

The blow did little effect and in return Darkseid punched Hajime into the ground using his right side.

Quickly getting back up Hajime started to continuously trade blows with Darkseid. Each of there punches connected dealing damage to the other even if it was only a little bit at a time, due to how tough there physical bodies were. 

Hajime punched Darkseid all over his body and with the help of his skill "Quick Step" he got faster gaining the upper hand, However due to how smart Darkseid was he smashed the ground flinging debris into the air stopping Hajime's movements and when he stopped Darkseid grabbed Hajime's leg and smacked into the ground. With no where to move Hajime was pounded by Darkseid's punches over and over again shoving him deeper into the ground.  

Tired of being punched Hajime managed to dodge a blow with the help of his incredible speed,durability and endurance, seeing this opening he returned a blow back with just as much force as he had been dealt. 

Suddenly startled Darkseid took a few steps back.

"... You are more formidable then I thought" said Darkseid.

"Cough... cough... same to you but eventually you will die by my hand" said Hajime in return as he wiped some blood coming from his mouth.

"Unlikely but you wont get the chance as you seem to care for that woman of yours above all else".


That next moment Darkseid's eyes turned bright red as his omega beams shot out of his eyes zig zaging all over the place to where the fainted Yue was on the field.


Hajime ran past Darkseid and over to his beloved's side to shield her from the oncoming attack.

Darkseid's omega beams hit Hajime's sturdy frame directly sending him back and causing him roll over onto his side with a small amount of smoke emitting off of his body.

 Walking over to Hajime Darkseid spoke.

"You are beaten now submit to your new master".

Getting on his knees from exhaustion before the ruler of Apocalypse Hajime spoke back.

"P&^s off".

"... So be it".

Darkseid turned around looking at Yue on the floor at started to turn his eyes bright red once again all in order to kill her for good and to break Hajime's spirit once and for all.

 "Oh no you don't".

Acting fast Hajime took out his "Crystal key" and opened up a portal underneath Yue causing her to fall through and away to safety from Darkseid's attack.

Seeing this his eyes went back to normal and faced Hajime once more.

"She may be safe but you are not".

"Yeah well as long as she is away from you".

That next moment Hajime tried to escape using his "Crystal key" once again however Darkseid saw this and stopped him from leaving by omega beaming his hand and picking it up from the ground.

After briefly glimpsing at the "Crystal key" Darkseid slowly crushed it into pieces in his hand and then dropped them onto the floor in front of Hajime. 

"Your done".

"Looks that way... but... we'll see about that later on".

Hajime gave off a fierce smile before he was pounded into the ground by Darkseid's punch knocking him unconscious and unable to move at all. A moment later a Parademon approached and knelt down behind Darkseid.

"... Get Granny Goodness, I have need of her services".

(Watch Tower meeting room)

Superman was all alone with his thoughts until both Green Lantern and Flash came in to talk to there friend.

"How you holding up Clark" asked Flash.

"... Fine... I suppose... actually I don't know how to feel about any of this Barry".

"Half of our friends are critically injured, Hajime went off to face against Darkseid along with his wife so God only knows how that will go and we still have no idea what he originally wanted. Honestly this hole thing is just so... frustrating".  

"I guess your right... we never really faced a person like Hajime before have we have we".


"Come on Clark cheer up weave been through way tougher situations then this haven't we" said Green Lantern.

"... Yeah your right I mean I died when I first fought Doomsday and I came back to life so I guess nothing is set in stone". 

"Exactly and besides regarding Hajime if he does fight Darkseid I would bet on him to win given what he can do".

"I suppose".

"I mean what could possible go wrong".

After he finished speaking a portal opened up above the meeting table and then Yue fell through.

"The hell".

With Green Lantern just realising what happened Yue then suddenly regained consciousness looked around and then spoke. 

"I... I need your help".

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