✨ Bonus Fast Forward 2 - Sleepless in Seoul

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About a year later...

(Tae's POV)

I'm awakened around 3am by my usual alarm clock... TJ's desperate cry for milk as if he hadn't just eaten less than three hours prior. Sheesh... the appetite on this kid is ravenous.  I honestly don't know how Yana keeps up with him, I think as I drag myself out of bed.

  I honestly don't know how Yana keeps up with him, I think as I drag myself out of bed

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"Don't cry... Daddy's here," I coo, and he smiles, which still makes everything in my sleep deprived world okay.

I carefully lift my son from the crib located in a little nook in our bedroom that we decided to turn into a small additional nursery.  Since Yana couldn't take being in separate rooms. I kiss his sweet face before laying him on the changing table.

I can't believe he's already three months old. I can remember the day we found out we were pregnant like it was yesterday, and I especially remember the following week when Dr. Tiffany visited us in Paris for our vow renewal. She'd brought everything she needed to confirm the pregnancy and to peek in on our little bundle to make sure everything was going well so far.

"I'm just going to measure your belly to see how far along you are," she said as she placed the measuring tape on Yana's still flat tummy. I watched in amazement trying to figure out how she could tell how far along someone was on a belly that didn't yet exist.

Dr. Tiffany furrowed her brows making my stomach flip immediately. I couldn't help but worry that something may be wrong, but I stayed quiet and continued to observe to avoid raising any concerns for Yana and also so I wouldn't look like the psycho parent... at least not this early.

"Hmm... and when did you say you started your last cycle, Yana?"

"Ummm... on the 8th I believe."

"Are you sure? Cus you seem to be measuring much bigger than just six weeks. You feel more like eight... or even nine."

"I mean, I could be off, but I'm pretty sure it was the 8th," Yana said, looking and sounding a little nervous, so I kissed her forehead and gave her hand that I was holding a little squeeze to calm her.

"Okay, well, I better do an ultrasound just to be sure."

Dr. Tiffany took out the equipment for the ultrasound, and then pointed to her laptop screen.

"We'll see the baby right here in a moment, and then I'll be able to tell more accurately how far along you are and when your baby will be due."

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