Chapter 30 - One Night 🔥

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"Yesterday was so much fun, wasn't it?!" Tae asked, lying on his back with his hand behind his head, smiling up at the ceiling before turning to look at you.

"It really was. Are you ready to do it all again today?"

"Yup... I can't wait. You wanna order room service first?"

"Yeah, I am a little hungry, and I gotta have some of those Mickey Mouse shaped waffles," you giggled.

Tae laughed as he got up and grabbed a menu, both of you deciding what you wanted before Tae picked up the phone to place your order and then followed you into the bathroom to get yourselves together before breakfast.

You looked down at the cute little toiletries on the sink, all wrapped in packaging with Mickey's face on it.

"Look at how adorable this is," you said, lifting one of the toothbrushes to show Tae.

"I know. Can you imagine bringing our children here one day?" He responded with the biggest smile on his face.

"Aww... I know! I can't wait!! They'll absolutely love it here!" You both laughed.

"I can't wait either." Tae said, grabbing you and holding you close, making you a tad nervous and uncomfortable because you knew he was thinking about your future children.

You weren't sure why just the mention of kids made you so nervous.  You both agreed that you wanted to wait a few years, but you knew Tae would probably want them sooner than you did.  You pondered this as Tae planted soft, sweet kisses all over your face and neck.

"What are you thinking about, babe?"  Tae asked before the doorbell interrupted, saving you from having to answer.

Ugh... saved by the bell, you thought as you gave Tae a quick kiss before exiting the bathroom to answer the door.

"Good Morning!" your personal concierge sang as she rolled the cart into your room, removing your breakfast from the trays and placing the covered plates on the small dining table in your room.

You greeted her in the same way before thanking her with a bow as she exited the room as quickly as she entered, and the two of you sat down and talked while you ate.

"I know your actual birthday is over, but we're not done celebrating yet. Don't forget, the guys wanna see you too," Tae said, before tossing a piece of watermelon into his mouth.

"I know. I want to see them too. Jin promised to cook for me, and I can't wait to meet his new friend. Also, I need go home next weekend anyway because my cousin wants to visit. He'll be in Korea for a few weeks, and he wants to see me and meet you since he couldn't make the wedding.

"He's the one you were so close with growing up, right?"

"Yeah, I haven't seen him in almost two years because he travels as much as we do for work. He's more like a big brother than a cousin, but we're both so busy now. We hardly see each other anymore."

"That sucks, but I'm sure you'll pick up right where you left off once you get together again. I'm looking forward to meeting him.

We can fly home Friday morning and visit the guys while we're there for the weekend if you think your cousin won't mind tagging along."

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