Chapter 7 - Us

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Posting a bonus smut-free chapter just for story development. The next 10 chapters are all smut tho... just FYI.

Although... I've been writing a few bonuses/surprises for you that may or may not have smut. I'll keep you posted! In the meantime, enjoy!

Tae turned over and sat up to look at you, and you sat up too since you knew he was about to address the elephant in the room.

"I'm sorry, babe.  I shouldn't have sprung all of that on you like that. I know we agreed in the beginning that we didn't want to be in a relationship, but I've always wanted to be more than friends. I knew you were the one from the first moment I laid eyes on you, but after our trip to Bali, you told me you didn't want to take things any further. Honestly, I was devastated, but it was more important to me to respect how you felt than what I wanted, so I went along with it.

In the back of my mind, I always believed that we would be together eventually when we were both ready.  That's why I didn't press the issue back then, but the more time passes, the more I realize that we're already in a relationship. We always have been... whether we choose to label it or acknowledge it or whatever, but I've also realized that not clearly defining whatever this really is... is not fair to either one of us.

We both deserve to know where we stand with one another.... especially after almost 2 years.
So, here is where I stand...

Yana, I've been in love with you since the very first time I watched you fall asleep and wake up in my arms, and everyday since that day I've only fallen deeper and deeper in love with you. As much as I love having you as my best friend, it's not enough for me anymore.  I refuse to continue to settle for anything less than all of you. I just need to know if you feel the same way too," he said, fighting back his tears, trying not to cry again.

You pulled his head to your shoulder and your tears started flowing again. You wanted to speak, but you couldn't. You just needed a moment to sort through all the emotions and confusion and everything else you'd been holding back for almost two years.

"Baby.... please don't cry," he said, sitting up and pulling you into his arms which made you cry more, but he just held you without saying another word, rocking you gently and rubbing your hair as you let it all out. 

He knew it had been an emotional weekend, and he just wanted to be there for you

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He knew it had been an emotional weekend, and he just wanted to be there for you. He felt horrible for unleashing all of his feelings on you knowing that he would have to leave you in a few hours.

Fuck, it's already 2:30. I gotta get home soon to pack, he thought to himself as he glanced over at the clock on the bedside table.

After a few more minutes, you sat up to look at him, finally getting your tears under control. You could see that he had been crying again too, his cheeks tear stained.  He cupped your face with his hands, wiped your tears and looked into your eyes.

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