Chapter 36

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After the New Year, things were going well. Tom and he got along, joking and laughing. Spending time just reading on the couch or watching a movie, something they just recently got back into since the cottage had burned down. Wynter got more confident with her footsteps and now walked about the house exploring in her with her new reach, she also was a lot more talkative. Nothing elaborate, some words here and there, mostly sounds. She repeated a lot of words from her parents, so they had to be careful with what they said around her less she parrots it around for a few hours. Everything was just perfect. And yet everything seemed to be going a little bit too well.

The weeks went by and the Christmas Tree and the decorations were taken down, Wynter was sad to see them go as was Harry, and the sitting area was put back to its original positions. Yet as much time as they were spending together, Tom started to grow irritated with all the talk of Ron and Hermione's upcoming nuptials. It was invading their house, quite literally. The newly engaged couple would come over to discuss the wedding often, especially since Harry was officially going to be their Best Man and Bridesman. Both Ron and Hermione couldn't decide who should ask Harry, so they both did and Harry happily accepted. So when they did come over, Tom would make himself scarce. Too much gushy stuff going on.

Hermione just said he was shy when she questioned where Marque was, but Harry knew better. All the love in the air made Tom uncomfortable and sick, it just wasn't his thing and he didn't understand it. Yet with all of this going on it made him think more of how he felt about Tom and would glance at Tom frequently with looks that Tom did not understand which irritated him to no end. There was something in that sly glance and Tom didn't know what it meant, it had to mean something for Harry to use it so often. Yet Harry remained silent on the matter, not that Hermione didn't try to make Harry say it every opportunity she could.

"You know," Hermione started slyly one time as both her and Ron came over to look over some wedding brochures and magazines, Tom predictable absent, "If you see something you like, you could use it for your own."

Harry sighed defeatedly, "Hermione..."

"I know, I know. I'm just saying. Maybe in the future..."

"It's not like that. We're not like that."

"What do you mean?" Ron asked confused.

"You guys are going out, right?" Hermione questioned.

Harry paused and thought about it. And the and the answer was no. Tom and he had never put any sort of label on what they were and they had never actually 'gone out.' They always stayed home, raising their daughter, but that wasn't the point. "In a matter of speaking."

"I don't get it," Ron said.

Harry sighed again as he flipped through a wedding magazine, "I don't know, you guys. It's complicated. We're complicated."

"Doesn't seem complicated to me," Hermione said, "You love him don't you?"

Harry was silent for a minute before nodding. "I do."

"Then tell him."

"I- I can't."

"Why not?"

"What if-" Harry stopped, his fear rising in his throat, "What if he doesn't...he'll reject me."

"He will not," Hermione admonished him.

"How do you know that?" Harry asked her desperately.

"Well for one, he wouldn't be going out with you if was going to reject you. And because he loves you."

Harry scoffed and shook his head.

"Harry," Hermione said scooting closer to him and taking his hand. "Marque does love you. I can see it in the way he looks at you. Ron sees it too. Right?"

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