Chapter 9

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Harry felt a lot better now that he had a plan. It was simple really. When the time came; which was when he started to show, he would tell his trainer that Dumbledore was sending him somewhere for training. He couldn't tell him where for security reasons. He was the "Chosen One" as people were calling him so it was entirely plausible for him to go for top-secret training.

Of course, that wasn't what was really happening.

When the time came he would be whisked off to a place that Dumbledore secured where Harry would stay until the baby was born. After that...he didn't know. There was still time for that. He wasn't even showing. At least not yet.

Harry sighed and looked in the full-length mirror that was in his bathroom where he stood in just a pair of boxer shorts. He didn't even look like he was pregnant, but then again it had only been a month. Yet he still looked every morning for any sign. He still didn't believe that he was and until he saw the evidence he would not be completely convinced.

A part of him hoped nothing would show up and that Madame Pomfrey was wrong and that he was not having Voldemort's baby.

"Harry, you ready? We're going to be late!" Ron shouts from his living room.

"Coming," Harry shouted back and finished getting ready for work.


The months passed quickly. First one month, then two, then three and before Harry's eyes, the proof was starting to show. The beginnings of a baby bump.

His first feeling was joy. He was going to have a baby, start a family, one he always dreamed of. Then came the fear. What the hell was he going to do now? How was he going to take care of a baby, he could barely take care of himself. He hardly had the best role models to go by and this was a baby for Merlin's sake! A tiny, living, breathing human. He was so screwed.

So the first thing he did was go out and bought a whole bunch of baby how-to books, both muggle and magical. That was how Ron found him on a Saturday afternoon – surrounded by books.

"You're not turning into Hermione on me, are you? I can only handle one," Ron said walking around the table and made himself comfortable in the recliner.

Harry grinned and shook his head, "No."

"Then what's going on?"

"Umm. Midlife crisis?"

Ron gave him a look, "You're not even thirty yet."

"I know...I-I'm starting to show," Harry said quietly.

"You are?" Ron surveyed him closely, "I don't see anything."

"No?" Ron shook his head, and Harry looked down at his stomach, "I guess it's not noticeable yet."

"Nope. So...books?" Ron asked and picked up a book. What to Expect in the First Year. There were more like, What to Expect When You're Expecting and On Becoming Baby Wise plus a whole bunch of others. Ron thought he saw one on breastfeeding. How was that going to even work?

"Yeah. Books. I don't know. I just...I got up this morning and saw it so I-I..."

Ron nodded and looked at him warily, "You're not going to cry are you?"

Harry let out a half-laugh, half sob, "I'm trying not to."


"Yes, and they suck!" Harry said wiping at his eyes. "I seriously don't know how women do it. I'm fine one minute and the next I'm a complete mess."

"I can see that," Ron said grimacing.

"And then there are the cravings. Oh my God! I had a peanut butter sandwich last night..."

"That doesn't sound so bad," Ron said thoughtfully.

"With hot sauce," Harry said flatly. Ron made a face. "Exactly."

"Geez, even I wouldn't eat that."

"Thanks a lot," Harry said dryly.

"Nothing you can do about that," Ron said.

Harry nodded "Well," Harry said with a grin, "I guess there is a bright side to this. When you and Hermione decide to have kids you'll be prepared."

"What?!" Ron shouted, turning red and Harry laughed. "A-Anyway, do you think it's time to leave?"

Harry looked down at his stomach, "No...not yet. You can't tell yet so I think I can last for a little while longer."

"For how long?" Ron asked.

"As long as I can," he answered.

It turned out that it wasn't long at all. A few weeks later Harry and Ron were sitting in the break room in the Auror Department, talking. Harry got up and went to the vending machine (yes there is a vending machine, awesome right!) and put a gallon in to get his 2nd candy bar.

"Hey Potter," one of the trainees said passing by the room, "Better lay off the snacks. You're starting to pack a little weight there."

Harry paused in his eating and looked down at the half-eaten bar in his hand, then set it down on the table.

"Ignore him, Harry," Ron said. He looked side to side then leaned close, "You are eating for two," he whispered.

Harry placed his hands on his stomach "...yeah."

They sat in silence for a few moments.

Ron looked around the break room, glanced at the table, looked at Harry and hesitated, then pointed at the candy bar. "Are you going to finish that?"

Harry smiled and chuckled, "No. Go ahead. I've lost my appetite."

Ron nodded and finished the bar in one bite. Harry looked down at his stomach and silently willed the small lump to go back down.

"On't ry bt t," Ron said with his mouth full. Harry made a face and Ron swallowed. "Don't worry about it. You look great."

Harry blanked his expression and looked at Ron. "I look great? Is there something you are trying to say?"

Ron panicked, "I- um...that's not...what I mean is-"

Harry grinned and clapped him on the shoulder and got up to leave, "I get what you mean, Ron. Thanks."

"Geez Harry. You almost gave me a heart attack," Ron said with a hand over his heart.

"Yeah, but it made me feel better."

"Funny," Ron deadpanned and Harry laughed.


Harry closed the lid of his trunk with a sigh, and then looked around his bare bedroom. After the episode at the department, he figured it was time for him to leave. He was going to miss his house, his work, his friends...

"Harry, you got everything?" Hermione asked coming into his room.

"I think so," he said.

"Hey don't look so down. Look on the bright side. Now you can read those books that I wanted you to read," she said brightly.

Harry made a face, "Great."

"Besides, Ron and I will come to visit you whenever we can, okay?"

Harry nodded, "You better. I'll be bored out of my mind."

"Oh. I'm sure Dumbledore will have something for you to do."

"I'm not sure if that makes me feel better or worse."

"Done over here," Ron said coming into the room. "That's everything right?"

"Yeah. That's everything," Harry said looking around. He shrunk his trunk and put it into his pocket along with all the rest of his stuff. "Let's get going then."

They left the house and gathered around a portkey that Dumbledore had given them. Harry looked back one last time at the house he had grown fond of.

He had a feeling he wasn't coming back.

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