Chapter 33

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He had to admit, magic was a wonderful thing. It had been a long time since Fenrir had been able to walk about freely without people screaming and running in the opposite direction. Looking at him as if he was a monster..., which, admittedly, he was. However, he did enjoy a simple walk in the sun once in a while, and thanks to the glamour on him, he could walk around and do a little shopping while he was out. Unlike his usual grisly-self, he looked like a roguish, well-dressed 50-year-old, quite like everyone else walking around Diagon Alley. It was reminiscent of what he used to look like before he gave in to his wolfish tendencies; dark brown, slightly wavy hair was tied back at the nape of his neck, face unmarked by scars allowed his blue eyes to shine all the more brightly- he looked good and he knew it.

Though he was glamoured, it didn't get rid of his wolf senses, so as he was walking, looking into the shops he caught a whiff of a familiar scent. It was mixed in with other scents, but it was there: sunshine, chocolate, and applesauce. It had been on the Dark Lord too. Curious, he followed the scent, wondering if he could find out who the Dark Lord's mystery man was. He had to be really something if he had caught the Dark Lord's attention, enough so he had his scent on the Dark Lord so thoroughly. So Fenrir was surprised when the scent led him to two familiar people: Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, Harry Potter's friends; the smell was starting to fade, but it was there. They had recent contact with the Dark Lord's lover. There was also a very familiar scent, faint but still there, that he usually associated with the Dark Lord himself. But why was the Dark Lord's scent on Potter's friends? And How?

Without attracting attention to himself, he followed them into a shop and listened in on their conversation.

"...think it would look good on her?"

"I think she has enough clothes, Hermione."

"Well...I guess, but she's just so cute! I can't resist! Oh, I miss her already."

"Me too. It was good to see them. Harry seems pretty happy."

Harry? Must be Potter?

"Yeah, I wish we can see them more often, but I understand he's trying to stay hidden. He needs to keep Wynter safe."

Winter? Is that a person?

"She's his priority now, but at least he has Marque."

"I know, right? I was surprised, but he seems to be making Harry happy. And Wynter has a father figure, so that is a bonus too. And he seems really nice."

Father? Potter has a kid? Well, that explains the applesauce scent on them, but wait, it's on the Dark Lord too...

The magazine he had been holding slipped out of his fingers as it all came together.



Fenrir halted outside the Dark Lord's door, only now hesitating. He had apparated out of Diagon Alley after his revelation and had practically ran to his office, but now he wasn't sure if he should say anything. One, it wasn't any of his business. Two, the Dark Lord may just kill him if he knew Fenrir knew, and three, he may be just blowing this out all out of proportion. Yet his nose was rarely wrong.

But if I don't say anything, and he finds out he may kill me anyway, he thought, pacing. Or he may not, we are friends...sort of. He at least tolerates me more than most.

"Fenrir, stop wearing out my floor," came the Dark Lord's voice through the door.

"Hey boss man," Fenrir said weakly as he opened the door to let himself in. The Dark Lord was behind his desk writing something and didn't look up when he came in. He stood there uncertain of what to say.

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