Chapter 23

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Dumbledore stared around at all the faces turned toward him and took a deep breath. "I believe it is time I told you the truth."

"About what, Albus?" Minerva asked uncertainly.

"About Harry and his involvement in this war," Dumbledore answered.

"What do you mean?" Molly Weasley asked, glancing at Ron and Hermione who were watching Dumbledore in what looked like dismay. She knew just by looking at them that the two of them knew something, but really or course they did; it involved Harry.

Dumbledore sighed softly, "I regret to inform all of you that Harry has no longer any desire to participate in this war."

Sounds of outrage and despair went around the room as many members voiced their concerns about the news. "What do you mean?"

"He can't just leave!"

"What about us? What are we going to do now?"

"He has to defeat You-Know-Who!"

"He's our Savior!"

"I know!" Dumbledore said, raising his voice over the din and everyone quieted down, "I know you are upset, but despite all Harry has done over the years, he never did ask for it. We put him on a pedestal and expected him to fight our battles in exchange for nothing."

At Dumbledore's words, everyone looked down, ashamed. No matter how they wanted to deny it, it was true. Ever since Harry had entered into the wizarding world he had been put into dangerous situations and when He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named came back, they expected Harry to vanquish him for them. He had always been there, fighting right there on the front lines, risking his life day after day, even more so after he graduated.

"I do not blame him for wanting to drop out, not after all he has been through. Which is why I placed Harry in that cottage, away from everyone protect him."

"I don't blame him either, I always said he was too young to be out there fighting," Molly spoke up, "it is way too dangerous. You too," she said rounding on her youngest son and Hermione.

"Mum..." Ron said with a sigh.

"Now, now," Arthur stepped in as Molly got rearing to go, "We all understand how you feel, dear."

"Indeed," Dumbledore said with a slight smile. They all knew how vocal she was during meetings when any of her children volunteered to go out on missions for the Order, Harry and Hermione included.

"But why? Why so suddenly?" someone asked. Murmurs around the room voiced the same question.

"Albus?" Remus spoke up hesitantly, "does this have anything to do with...with that room in the house?"

"Ah! I saw it too," Tonks exclaimed, "there was a crib in there, and toys, though it was all burned...why would he have those things?"

"Unless there was a child there, but why would there be? If he was in hiding..." Remus trailed off as he started thinking and not believing where his thoughts were going. "Albus? Why was there a child there?"

"Yeah, why?" Others started to ask, their murmurs going around the room and wild guesses accumulating as it made its way around.

Dumbledore closed his eyes briefly and sighed. He hadn't wanted to tell anyone about Wynter until Harry was ready, or until Harry told the Order himself, but with Harry and Wynter missing, it was no longer something that should be kept secret. Not if they wanted to find the both of them. I'm sorry, Harry. "Everyone is aware of Harry's capture by the Death Eater's about a year ago, correct?" At everyone's nod, he continued, "Harry did not tell the whole truth about his capture, at first," he closed his eyes and breathed out a deep sigh, suddenly feeling his age, "while in captivity...Harry was raped."

Meant To BeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora