Chapter 42

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A/N: Happy New Year! I made it just in time for my annual update. It's a really long one too with so much happening, I hope you all enjoy it!

Update schedule: Only once a year around the Christmas/new year holiday as it's the only time I have off to write without stopping. 

True to Harry's word, he began taking Wynter to a nearby Muggle park a few times a week. He took a blanket to sit on near the playground with a book, a few of Wynter's toys, and snacks. Wynter stayed close to him the first few times they went, just watching the other kids, all older but at least closer in age, run around. The first time they went she looked around excitedly and pointed at everything, but she remained stuck to his side until he took her out on the swing. The second time she was still by him but near his knee. The third time, she was at the edge of the blanket by his foot and kept looking back at him to make sure he was still there.

Yet she wasn't a Potter for nothing, within an hour of just watching the fourth time they were there just watching, she got up and pointed to the sandbox within a few feet where a few kids were playing.

"Go ahead," Harry encouraged her, and off she went.

Wynter tentatively approached the box and stood there a moment before one of the little girls looked up and asked if she wanted to play. Wynter nodded, climbed in, sat down, and soon played with the others, filling a hollow block with sand. It filled Harry with pride to see her making new friends and that they had welcomed her in, with no prejudice or hate in sight, just pure fun. She would occasionally look over to him to see if he was still there and he would wave at her.

Within a few weeks of going, he could see the change in her. She spoke a lot more clearly, was sharing (not that she wasn't already) and, much to Harry's surprise, was able to say her name. The kids at the park always asked for her name and it surprised Harry to hear that she knew how to say her name...kind of. She would say "Innter" which was close enough. A little boy approached him and asked what her name was when he didn't understand. Kids were not afraid of just going up to people and asking things as was proven when he suddenly had a blanket full of little ones ages 5-7 playing with Wynter's toys and asking a billion questions about Wynter and him. And there was his girl, in the middle sharing her grapes and crackers, the center of attention – it reminded him of someone.

Along with the kids, came the kid's parents who were interested in the young green-eyed man with the like-eyed little girl, mainly the single mothers. Harry was quick to put that down saying that Wynter's father was still in the picture and they were together. Yet they became even more interested when Tom did come with them – women were wolves! But it was those days that Wynter enjoyed the most. Having both of them there with her and playing on the playground, having a picnic under a tree...she was always so happy and that made them happy. And seeing Tom playing with Wynter, pushing her on the swing, and helping her go up the steps to the slide; made Harry remember why he fell in love with Tom in the first place. He was such a good father.

Before he knew it, it was his birthday again, July 31st, where had the time gone? A week prior, Tom had asked him out on a special date for his birthday, so he had to turn down his friend's invite to celebrate with their family like they did every year, but Ron and Hermione understood and were more than happy to watch Wynter for a few hours. Ron wiggled his eyebrows to suggest that they may get up to something making Harry blush as he left their house. But he wasn't ready quite yet, soon though.

After dropping Wynter off at Ron and Hermione's house, Harry got ready in a nice maroon button-down shirt and slacks as Tom said he was taking him to a "more luxurious establishment" meaning fancy. They don't usually do fancy since it wasn't something Harry was into, but it was his birthday, and well...he deserved to be spoiled once in a while.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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