Chapter 27

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It didn't take long for Harry to settle into the new house. It already had a homey feel to it, so it wasn't hard. That same day, Tom left back to the manor to get Harry's trunk with all his valuables while Harry and Wynter got comfortable. Wynter adapted fairly quickly, for sure. He had fed her lunch and immediately after she knocked out. So he had placed her in her new crib and she had snuggled in, already at home, her bear underneath her like a pillow. Harry had left her to sleep, taking the baby monitor that was sitting on the dresser; it was the kind with a camera so he could see her, and took another walk through the house, looking at everything more closely. He focused on the kitchen specifically.

When Tom came back with his trunk and one of his own, they went around and unpacked, placing little trinkets he had in different spots around the house, and put their clothes away, leaving Wynter's things for later. After, Tom took him around again to give him a more detailed rundown of the place. Along with his trinkets, Harry had also gone around filling the empty picture frames with the ones in this photo album; most of them of Wynter, one of his friends, and he did have a few of Tom, so he put those out too. After Wynter woke up from her nap, Harry put her clothes away brought her downstairs; setting up her new playpen behind the couch of the entertainment area for her to play in. Everything ran so smoothly, it was already starting to feel like home. The rest of the day was like that, just settling in, getting a feel for the new home. It was nice to be able to move around again and not stuck in one room. He couldn't seem to sit still, he was constantly moving, rearranging things to how he wanted it. Tom only watched him and helped him as he turned the house into a home,

When it was time, Harry made a nice dinner in his new kitchen using all his new appliances, and pots and pans; serving it out on new plates and utensils; Tom had gone all out. When they were done, they sat down and watched TV like they used to. Wynter eventually got sleepy, so they bathed her and put her to bed. Then they made it an early night and went to bed; making love between the new sheets to christen it, to make it theirs.

After that first day, Harry and Tom fell back into their routine like before, only this time Tom came home and stayed. It made Harry happy, more than he thought he would be, that he got to see Tom every day. He had gotten used to falling asleep next to him and having him still be there in the morning while at the Manor, it was nice. He could tell Tom enjoyed it too, seeing Wynter so early in the morning with her hair all over the place, and she was happy to see him too with her big smile and wrapping her arms around his neck and curling into his neck, so content. And Tom was now a pro at holding her; he was able to hold her with one arm and able to do things with his other without fear of dropping her; it helped that Wynter wasn't an overly fussy baby, to begin with. Besides seeing them, Tom also got a free breakfast in the morning cooked by Harry before he left for work.

Harry still got letters from Ron and Hermione, though they took longer to get to him, they had certainly noticed and had asked why, so he had told them that they had moved to a safer location. Harry hadn't even known where they were until he asked Tom and found out that they were in Australia. Australia! It had blown his mind; he was on a different continent! He had never been so far from home before, though it was good, no one would be able to find him. Tom had also told him that the beach house had a name: Haven Hall. A very pretty and fitting name since it was their safe haven, but really it was just named after the city, which was Whitehaven Beach. He didn't tell this to Ron and Hermione though or they would try to find him and they had finally given up asking, though now they wanted him to come to see them. But that was a whole other argument.

Harry did want to go see them, but he was sure Tom wouldn't let him, but maybe in the future. He would have to give a solid reason why in order to get the okay from Tom. He could probably just go, but it wouldn't be safe. It was a sure-fire way to get Tom worried or pissed, he didn't want that, so he just left it alone. For now.

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