Chapter 25

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They didn't talk about that night; where he had been, what he had done. It didn't matter anymore, it was in the past. Tom had done what was expected of him as a Dark Lord and as a father and Harry couldn't blame him for that. It made him a little uneasy with what his imagination came up with, yet Harry felt a sort of peace knowing that they would not be harmed again. They were safe.

Wynter was happy and healthy, any smoke inhalation had been taken care of and she was as happy as could be as she took in her new surroundings. Harry's burn had also healed nicely, leaving no trace that he had been burned at all thanks to Tom's fabulous potion-making skills.

Now that all the excitement was over, Harry was bored out of his skull. He was trapped in Tom's bedroom because Death Eaters were walking around all over the manor, so the only safe place was here. The only entertainment he had was Wynter and books, lots and lots of books. And Tom himself when he wasn't busy. But other than that there was nothing to do. So Harry was left to just fill the time himself, mainly reading. Which in hindsight was a good thing because he was learning a lot of new things, most of it, he would never ever use, but it was an interesting read.

It just got repetitive; as it was now.

Harry was sprawled out on his stomach on the bed reading another book, Potent Potions and Poisons complete with graphic illustrations, to keep himself company and Wynter was taking her nap. The book was absolutely horrific but he couldn't look away. Who knew there were potions out there that completely cooked your insides, needless to say, he was not making pea soup anytime soon.

The door opened and Tom appeared looking frustrated and annoyed. "Harry?" Tom said, "I found this banging at my office window..."

Harry managed to tear his gaze away from his book to see a familiar white owl perched quite comfortably on Tom's head. "Hedwig!" he exclaimed tossing his book aside and jumping up. Hedwig flew from her perch and landed on Harry's outstretched arm. "I missed you, girl. I was so glad you were out hunting at the time," he murmured to her, "I don't know what I would have done without you."

"Get a new one," Tom stated. Harry glared at him and Hedwig turned her large yellow eyes at him and seemed to glare too.

"Hedwig is irreplaceable," Harry just said and resumed petting her. Hedwig hooted happily and nibbled at his fingers and picked at his shirt and Harry smiled and stroked her feathers. "I'm okay." She hooted again and then left his arm to land on the edge of Wynter's crib and gazed down at her sleeping form. "Wynter is fine too. We're both fine."

Tom watched their exchange with mild amusement and perplexity and just shook his head. He would never understand the relationship that Harry had with his owl; it was just a bird.

"What?" Harry asked as he saw Tom shake his head.

"Nothing," Tom said. "How the hell did she find this place? I have the strongest protection and concealment charms that I put up myself."

Harry grinned at Tom's frustration, "Hedwig's good like that. She always knows where to find me." On the railing, Hedwig puffed up her feathers in pride and Harry gazed at her fondly. When she was satisfied with her inspection of Wynter she turned to Harry and offered up her leg. It was then that Harry noticed that she had a letter attached. "What do you have for me, girl?" he asked and took it from her. He opened it up to find two letters addressed to him.

"It's from Ron and Hermione..." Harry said softly recognizing the writing of his best friends.

"What does it say?" Tom asked suspiciously, approaching him cautiously.

"Let me read it first," Harry said and turned his attention to the first letter.


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