Chapter 8

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The next day Harry gathered up his courage and went to see Dumbledore with Ron and Hermione right by his side. He had stayed up all night thinking of what he should say to him when he went the next morning. Obviously not the complete truth, but he had to tell him something, a baby did not just appear out of nowhere.

A baby. He couldn't believe it. Probably wouldn't completely believe it until he started showing, which hopefully wouldn't be for a while. But it was true and he had to accept it whether he liked it or not.

They apparated to the front gates of Hogwarts and started the long trek up to Dumbledore's office. His sense of dread deepened with every step closer he took, and the squeezing of Hermione's hand on his arm was not reassuring him a bit. If anything it made him more nervous and sick to his stomach than he already was. Just thinking about what he was going to say to Dumbledore was disturbing and if not that, then his reaction. Would he be disgusted with him? Angry? Sad? Harry had no idea what he was going to do and if the headmaster turned him away...

"Are you okay Harry?" Hermione asked softly. Harry shook his head, not trusting his voice. "It will be fine, okay, you'll see." She reassured him.

"Are you ready?" Ron asked, "' Cause we're here."

Harry looked around and saw that they were standing in front of the entrance to Dumbledore's office. The walk was too fast for Harry's liking, he wasn't ready yet! But he had to do it. He took a deep breath and managed to croak out the password "Peppermint Toads."

Harry knocked on the door and entered when he was granted permission.

"Ah, Harry, my boy. To what do I owe the pleasure?" Dumbledore asked with a bright smile and twinkling eyes a sharp contrast to the way Harry was feeling at the moment.

"Um...I have to...tell you something," he managed to get out.

"Of course," the headmaster said suddenly serious. It was like he already knew, "Have a seat."

Harry's mind was racing as he took his seat in front of Dumbledore's desk with Ron and Hermione on either side of him. He didn't know if he could do this, but he had to.

"I-I wasn't entirely truthful about what happened when I was captured." Harry began.

Dumbledore sat up and leaned forward, "Oh?"

"I didn't mean to keep it from you, I was just...scared, I guess," he said looking anywhere but the older man's face," It isn't anything important though," he said in a rush. At Hermione's tightening grip on his arm, he said, "I mean, it is important, but...not..." he finished letting his words fall flat.

"I see, well, no matter. You have come now, yes? No harm done. Now, what is it that you wish to tell me?"

"Well, I didn't lie about anything. I just..."

"Carefully omitted?" Dumbledore offered kindly.

Harry nodded looking down at his hands, "Yeah..." This was harder than he thought it would be. It didn't help that this time he was outright lying. "When I was in that room...someone else did come, there was no one else just him. I-I think he came to give me food but or something I don't know. I tried to get out, but I couldn't do anything without my wand. But I tried anyway...I tried, but I couldn't use my magic. He pinned me down..." Here he paused, clutching his hands into fists and fighting back the tears that threatened to fall. "I tried to fight it," Harry choked out remembering what it felt like being pinned down, being trapped within himself, wanting it, and not wanting it. "I tried...I couldn't..." Hermione covered his hand with hers and clutched it tight giving him courage, "He raped me," he finally choked out.

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