Chapter 35

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Edit: 1/1/22 - Adding in missed contraception charm. Let me know if I missed any.

Two weeks passed quickly as Harry wrapped gifts and sent them off to his friends, getting a few stray gifts to put with their growing pile under the tree. Before Harry knew it, it was Christmas.

That morning had Harry waking up early, excited to share the joyous holiday with his family and he rolled over and shook Tom awake.

"Tom! Wake up, it's Christmas!"

"Ugh," Tom only muttered and rolled over onto his other side.

"No, don't go back to sleep," Harry said laying over him, "Wake up."

"Do I have to?"

"Yes. There are presents!"

"They're not going anywhere."

"But, but...presents," Harry whined.

"Wynter is not even awake yet," Tom said.

Harry pouted as he looked at the baby monitor and saw that she was still asleep. "Fine. Let's have sex then." Tom's eyes snapped open, suddenly awake and Harry laughed. "That caught your attention."

"I'm always up for sex," Tom said.

"I know, I can feel it," Harry said with a grin then laughed as he was pulled underneath him.

A while later after a fantastic tussle under the sheets, they heard Wynter fussing in the next room causing them to get up.

"Wynter, Wynter! Are you awake?" Harry sang as he went into her room.

"Ye, Mama!" Wynter called from her crib.

"It's Christmas! Christmas!" He exclaimed picking her up and lifting her in the air. "You excited? You get to open more presents." Wynter just clapped her hands at his excitement. "Let's get you dressed, okay?"


"Alright," Harry said placing her on her changing table and started to sing his changing song he had made up. "First is the diaper. That comes off...gross!"


Harry smiled and quickly removed the soiled diaper. "Stinky, Stinky. In the trash. Now we clean your butt, so you don't get a rash," Harry sang. "Now for a new one, nice and fresh, now that's done, time to get dressed! First are your pants, to keep your legs warm. Legs up!" Wynter lifted her legs in the air and Harry put the pants on. "There you go. Time for the shirt. Arms go up, up to the sky," Harry said as he sat her up and Wynter put her arms up for him to put on. "Shirt goes on, there we go. Arms go down, down to the ground. And now the socks. One Sock."

"Ock!" Wynter said proudly.

"That's right," Harry laughed, "And there's the other sock." He said slipping them onto her feet. Seeing someone at the corner of his eye he turned to see Tom in the doorway, looking at him strangely, shaking his head. "Daddy thinks I'm weird, but I don't care," Harry continued his little song. "Now it's time to do your hair. We get the brush. Brush, brush, brush," he sang gently brushing her fine hair so it wasn't sticking up so much. "There we go, all nice and pretty. Do we want a bow?"

"No!" Wynter said.

"Okay, no bow. And now Wynter is all ready to start the day!" Harry said lifting her up and lightly shaking her, "Yay!"

"Must you do that every time you change her?" Tom questioned as he passed to go downstairs.

"Yes. I. Do." Harry sang. "Besides, Wynter loves it, don't you?" And Wynter smiled and hugged him. "Okay. Let's go and open presents."

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