Chapter 20

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Two figures stood in the shadows of the trees whispering to each other as they watched for any movement in the cottage before them. They couldn't be seen with their dark robes and the only light came from the moon high up in the sky and reflected off of their white masks.

"Is this it?"

"I think so..."

"You think so? We need to be sure if we are wrong..."

"It is! This is it. Potter is here!"

The Death Eater glanced at his comrade speculatively, "You're absolutely sure?"

"Yes, I've seen him walking around here before."

The Death Eater looked up at the small cottage, "I thought Potter was out training somewhere. This is a house."

"I know...but he is here. I double-checked and he is here, I swear. Plus, the magic crawling around this place is ridiculous. He's definitely in here."

"You're right. There is a lot of magic crawling around here. And that illusion is no joke either."

"I told you it was weird. That's why I wanted to check it out. I wouldn't have brought you here if I didn't think he was here. Besides, there would be no reason for this much magic unless something was hidden here, especially in such an isolated area."

His partner nodded in agreement, "So Potter is in here..."


"Good," the Death Eater smirked and rubbed his hands together, "The Dark Lord will be so pleased."

"How do we get in?"

"No idea."

"Should we go tell the Dark Lord that we found him?"

"No, I have a better idea."


Green eyes opened sleepily; something had woke him up, but he was not sure what. Harry coughed and rolled over to try and get back to sleep. He coughed again, suddenly finding it hard to breathe. Rolling onto his back he took in a deep breath and felt his lungs start to burn and he started coughing and he sat up, suddenly wide awake. He looked around his bedroom, trying to see through the haze that looked like smoke. Smoke!

Harry quickly jumped out of bed and made his way to the door, coughing all the way. Opening the door proved to be a bad idea as he got a face full of smoke. He nearly gagged and shielded his face against the smoke, squinting to see as he stepped out into the hallway.

Looking around he could see flames, red and hot licking at the walls around him, coming everywhere at once. Fire! his mind supplied to him in a panic, the house is on fire!

His eyes immediately went to the door on his right, "Wynter!" he whispered and he dashed to it through the flames and threw open the door. The flames hadn't reached the room, thank god, but Harry could see them outside the window, eating away at the plants and catching the roof.

Wynter was surprisingly still asleep but her face was scrunched up in discomfort. He gently picked her up and wrapped her and her bear in a blanket to protect her from the fire and the smoke. She woke as he jostled her, giving a weak sleepy cry. "Shh, it's okay sweetheart. Mommy's got you," he said as he held her close.

Thinking quickly he raised his wand and summoned his trunk from his bedroom and then waving his wand in a circle he said, "Utrum Omnia!" Immediately things from all around the house started to fly into the bedroom and into the trunk; he would try and save as much as he could. As his magic worked, he moved to the window to open it so he could try and get some ventilation, but it wouldn't budge. He tugged and pulled, even used magic and nothing would work.

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