Chapter 11

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Harry looked around the tidy house that he was going to be staying for a while. It was a three-bedroom house near the outskirts of a muggle town. It would be the least likely place for him to be found.

"It's...nice," Ron commented looking around.

"I don't know. I rather like it," Hermione said.

"Yeah. I like it too," Harry said, running his fingers over the back of the new sofa.

The room was done up in simple browns and beige. The walls were white and bare, except for some landscape pictures. The carpet was light brown and led out into the hallway where there were 3 bedrooms and a bathroom. The sofa was a dark brown with beige pillows. A coffee table was in the middle of the room with a vase of flowers on it. A 19 inch TV sat in the corner on a stand against the wall.

"Whoa! What is this?" Ron asked going to the television and examining it.

"It's a TV, Ron. Muggle technology," Hermione said, "I guess you have electricity running here."

"But wouldn't magic disrupt it?" Ron asked.

Hermione thought for a moment, "Then it's probably running on magic. I wouldn't put it past Professor Dumbledore to know how."


"Well, at least I won't be completely bored. I'll be turning into a couch potato," Harry said and moved toward the kitchen.

"Before long, I don't think you'll be doing much moving anyway," Hermione said following.

The kitchen was small and bore all the essentials, including muggle-ware: stove, microwave, refrigerator, and toaster. The cabinets and drawers had dishes, cups and utensils, and a complete set of pots and pans. The pantry and fridge was full of food.

"Wow. Dumbledore sure hooked you up," Ron said.

"Thank you, Mr. Weasley."

They all turned around at the voice to see Dumbledore at the front door. Ron blushed, but Dumbledore only smiled. "I hope everything is to your satisfaction, Harry."

"Yeah. It is thanks."

Dumbledore nodded, "I left the second bedroom bare. I thought you would like to decorate it into a nursery yourself."

"Ooh. How fun!" Hermione exclaimed.

"Indeed. There here are some pamphlets that have instructions. You can add whatever furniture you want or change the colors. I took the liberty of marking things that you would need." Dumbledore said.

"Thanks, professor," Harry whispered taking the papers.

"Harry? Are you alright?" Hermione asked looking at him worriedly.

"...yeah. It's just that...all this makes it all so real."

Hermione came forward and wrapped her arms around Harry in a hug. "Don't worry. You're not in this alone okay."

"Yeah and we'll come to visit every week," Ron said.

"And I am always available by owl," Dumbledore said kindly.

Harry nodded and placed his hand on his stomach. He hadn't felt sure if he would be able to do this, but with his friends and Dumbledore on his side, he knew he could get through this.


After moving into his new house, Harry settled in fairly quickly. He didn't do much because he had nothing to do, plus he was severely limited by the things he could do due to his pregnancy. He mostly sat around and watched TV and movies.

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