Chapter 32

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"Aw, Harry. Don't go yet," Hermione said pouting as Harry started to gather his things together.

"Don't give me that," Harry said as he picked up Wynter, "It's late for you guys and you need to sleep."

Harry had once more come to visit Ron and Hermione and had a great time catching up. Talking over the phone was always great, but nothing beats face-to-face conversations. Plus, Wynter got to see her godparents. The only downside was that they only got to visit for a few hours because of the time difference. It was really late here in London and Harry hated having them stay up so late. Not that it bothered them, they loved seeing Harry and their little goddaughter.

"I don't need sleep," Ron said.

"We don't work tomorrow anyway," Hermione added in.

"It's after one o'clock in the morning. Go to bed!" Harry said sternly.

"Wow you have the scolding voice down pat," Ron commented with a grin and a yawn.

"Shut up. Now I have to go and get this one down for her nap," he said smoothing his hand down Wynter's back.

"O, ap!" Wynter exclaimed, rubbing her hand across her face.

"Yes, nap. You're rubbing your eyes," Harry said smoothing her hair.

"O," she said sleepily, laying her head down on his shoulder.

"Yes, you are," Harry said and turned to his friends, "I'm going."

"2 hours is not enough time," Hermione said following him to the door.

"I know, but with the different time zones..." Harry shrugged. "I'll see you guys later. I'll call about when I can come again."

"Okay..." they said mournfully.

Harry wished them goodbye and stepped out with Wynter in his arms. He gripped the portkey necklace around his neck and spoke the password –Take me home- The portkey had already whisked them away by the time he felt something gripping his arm.


Harry landed with a little more weight than usual, but remained upright, he immediately knew what had happened and started to panic."Oh my god, oh my god! What did you do?" Harry said turning to the guilty faces of his friends who were right behind him. In front of his house. In Australia.

"I-I'm sorry Harry, I just..." Hermione made a grabbing motion. So she was the culprit.

"Relax, Harry. We just want to spend more time with you. We hardly ever see you anymore," Ron said, but Harry didn't hear it.

"You have to go back," he said panicked. What would Tom say!? Fuck!

"A-ie," Wynter said holding out a hand that Hermione took.

"We're already here, Harry, why don't you just show us around," she said.

"I can't-" Harry started but was drowned out by Ron's awed voice.

"Wow, you live here?" Ron asked as he looked around the nice neighborhood and the big house in front of them.

Harry hesitated. It shouldn't hurt, right? Tom is at work. I can just show them around and send them home. No biggie... "Okay, fine. But not long."

"Sure, sure," Ron agreed. "What time is it anyway? It's so bright."

"It's about noon here."

"Ah, it is a little jarring," Hermione commented. "Are you going to let us in?"

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