"July, really?"

"Yes. Not that it stops them from celebrating in December as well."

"Two Christmas's! Yay!" Harry said cheerfully, lifting Wynter into the air and spinning. "Whee!"

"Eee!" she shrieked in delight.

Then Harry put her on the floor so she would watch them. "Can I have the tree?"

"Tee!" she exclaimed again and held it out.

"Thank you!"

Harry then placed the tree in the center of the holder Tom had placed there and with a flick of his wand made the tree grow back to its natural size. The tree they had picked out was wide and full and stood a good 24 feet. The top of the tree reached past the ceiling to the second floor just as they wanted it to. It was perfect.

"Ooooh," Wynter exclaimed staring up at the big tree now in the center of their house.

"It's big huh?" Harry asked.

"Ye," Wynter said in awe, her hands together as she stared up at it.

"Okay. Decorating time," Harry said, pulling out his wand. "Hmmm. Decorations, decorations," he murmured and visualized what he wanted. Little baubles formed at the end of his wand and floated in a line to hang on the tree. On the other side, Tom had his wand out and was doing the same.

Wynter clapped her hands and giggled in joy as she watched ornaments and garland zoom through the air and wrap around the tree. Within moments the tree was decorated with brightly colored lights and colored ornaments with a big star on the top.

"It's perfect," Harry said stepping back to take it in," Not bad for our first tree."

"I think so too," Tom agreed standing next to him.

"I just realized something," Harry said picking up Wynter so she could see, "It's all our house colors."

Tom looked up at the tree and did notice that the ornaments were Red, Gold, Green, and Silver. "Well, they are Christmas colors."

"True. Oh! I almost forgot.," Harry said pulling an ornament out of a small box he had placed on the table in front of the fireplace. "I got this last year." He held it out for Tom to see the inscription My First Christmas below a simple baby sculpture in pink. "She was only 2 weeks old when she had her first Christmas, but she doesn't remember it."

"She'll remember this one," Tom said looking down at Wynter's face full of awe as she stared at the decorated tree.

"Yes, she will," Harry agreed. "Wynter, want to help Daddy put this on the tree?"

"Tee?" Wynter asked pointing at it.

"Yes," Harry said handing her over to Tom with the ornament. Then stood back and watched with his camera at the ready as the two of them placed the ornament on the tree. "We need a family picture." He said as he took several pictures of the two of them.

"Do we have to?" Tom asked grudgingly.

"Yes. It's our first Christmas together as a family. We need to make memories," Harry said setting up the camera so the tree was in the shot. Setting the timer, Harry rushed to Tom's side as they held up Wynter between them "Wynter, smile!" After the picture was taken, Harry took a look, "Aw! Wynter what a big smile!" he exclaimed and showed Tom. Wynter was front and center showing off all four of her teeth in a bright smile.

"That is a good one," Tom admitted.

"Yup, I'm framing this one."

Harry took a few more pictures until Tom had enough and went to go sit down to read the paper while Harry and Wynter went around the living room adding more decorations to the fireplace mantel, the staircase, and around the ceiling until Harry was satisfied.

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