"What is it Fenrir?" Tom asked, still not looking up.

"Uh. Nothing much. I was just..." he floundered for a reason he was there and came up with nothing. Despite his worry for his life, he felt the words bubbling up and blurted out, "Potter! You're sleeping with Potter!"

The Dark Lord stopped writing and looked up at him. He looked pissed. Slowly rising, he asked, "Who have you told?"

"N-No one," Fenrir said putting his hands up defensively as he heard the lock slide into place behind him. "I just figured it out. I saw Potter's friends at Diagon Alley and they had the same scent on them that you do all the time. I just...put it together."

Tom hung his head and sighed as he placed his hands to support himself on his desk as Fenrir fretted in front of him. Of course, he would find out with that nose of his. "How much do you know?"

"Uh...he has a kid," Fenrir admitted.

-Fuck- Tom hissed and dropped back into his chair and let his Voldemort persona bleed away.

"I-It's true?"

Tom looked at Fenrir's apprehensive look, yet there was no disgust only curiosity and...pride? "Yes."

"And it's..."


"Holy. Shit." Fenrir stated in awe and collapsed into the chair in front of the desk. "How?"

Tom sat back and looked up at the ceiling in thought, wondering how much he should tell him. "It was an accident."

"So your cock fell into him by accident?" Fenrir asked with a laugh.

"Nothing so crude," Tom said with a slight smile, "But to tell the truth, I still don't understand what happened that night. I haven't really given much thought to it."

"What happened?"

"It was the day we captured Harry a year ago," Tom started.

"Yeah. I remember. He got away," Fenrir said thinking of how pissed the Dark Lord had been that day. Throwing out Crucio's all over the place and threatening everyone.

"Yes and no. He ran off and found himself in my bedroom of all places. Some spell or curse was put into effect and the next thing I know we were in bed together. I had absolutely no control over what I was doing."

"And Potter?"

"Same. He was...understandably upset after and I was...I am never not in control and it unbalanced me. And with Harry the way he was...emotional. I let him go."

"Just like that?"

"Yes. Later, I was pissed off that I let him go so easily. So what that we slept together. It wasn't planned, but I still wanted to kill him," Tom said as he thought back.

"But that changed," Fenrir prompted when Tom fell silent.

"Yes. I ended up finding him myself. In a small cottage outside a muggle town. What I found there..." Tom shook his head in amazement, "Changed everything."

"The kid?" Fenrir asked.

"Yes. The kid. It could only be mine. The time frame fit, from the time she was conceived to that moment."

"She?" Fenrir asked catching the word.

"Yes. I have a daughter," Tom said with a soft smile.

Fenrir watched in amazement as the Dark Lord smiled fondly as he thought of the little girl he had. It was not something he had seen before on his face. "What's her name?" he asked in a hushed voice.

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