Harry watched them, smiling softly as he cooked dinner. It was always so sweet to watch the two of them together. It had always been said that the Dark Lord had no emotions and didn't know how to love, but here he was caring and loving their daughter. Whether or not that extended to him, he had no idea. It was possible, right? But it was also possible that it wasn't and that was what he was scared of. He tried to suppress these emotions he was feeling, but they kept bubbling up at odd moments, like now.


Harry blinked and looked up to see Tom holding Wynter looking at him in concern. "Are you alright?"

"Y-Yeah. I'm fine," he said and quickly turned off the stove so the pot wouldn't boil over as it was about to do.

"Are you sure? You've been distracted."

"I'm fine. It's just...it's nothing," Harry reassured him and turned away.

"Mama?" Wynter asked.

"Wash your hands, we are going to eat soon," Harry told her.

"an!" Wynter yelled, showing her daddy her hands.

Tom smiled and headed to the sink to wash their hands, but looked at Harry's turned back in concern. He had been like this for weeks and he didn't like it. It was obvious Harry was keeping something from him, but he wouldn't budge and kept saying he was fine. He had tried various tactics to try to get it from him-persuasion, sex, and plain just asking- but Harry remained tight-lipped about it.

It wasn't affecting anything, Harry just seemed distracted and at times wouldn't look at him. It clearly had to do something with him and he tried to think if he had done anything to upset him, but Harry wasn't angry. He would know if he was angry. Hell, Harry would let him know if he was angry at him. But he wasn't, he was...Tom had no idea. It was frustrating.

He would just have to wait for Harry to come to him...he hated waiting.


Tom was sitting in his office at Riddle Manor working on an outline of his new area of attack, but he wasn't completely focused on it. The night before, Harry had abruptly turned away from him after they had made love and had kept his back to him the entire night, but he had let him hold him. He didn't know what he had done and it was very annoying. He had half wanted to grab Harry and shake him until he told him what he did. But that wouldn't work. It would only cause him to clam up.

He sighed and rubbed his eyes, Harry was so difficult to understand sometimes.

There was a knock at the door that drew his attention from his musings, "Enter," he called as he sat back in his chair.

"' Sup, boss man," Fenrir said with a grin as he strode in.

"Fenrir. What is it?"

"Just wanted to let you know that the rest of the wolves are behind you, though I am having trouble with one of the tribes. They are not too keen on you."

"Mmm, is that so? I knew going into this, not everyone would be agreeable."

"I'm sure that with time, I can convince them. They are just not completely swayed with the way you do things. Though, things are turning around now."

"I suppose so."

"Um..." Fenrir paused watching the Dark Lord as he gazed outward, clearly not paying attention.


"Is everything alright, my lord?"

"Everything is fine. Why?"

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