"I was wondering who placed that there, I could recall keeping everything on the table." Inko hummed, setting down breakfast on the table.

"I woke up too early, I felt kind of cold and sick, so I got some tea to try and calm my nerves." Izuku said as Inko nodded.

"Amen." The tea lovers agreed as Recovery Girl sighed.

"I mean, it sometimes works, but it has no therapeutic claims and all that. Some teas can actually result to a miscarriage."

"I'm aware of that, Chiyo. I didn't drink any during my pregnancy."


"Hush, you children."

"If you feel really sick, you don't have to go to school." Inko said as she washed the teapot. Izuku looked down at his lap where he set the wallet and took a deep breath.

"Man, fi only that were the case." Mina laughed as Izuku hissed.

"I was actually sick, shut up!"

"Someone  told me to give this to you. He was inside the house while I was drinking tea, he said he was dad." Izuku said as he handed her the wallet. 

When she looked back her eyes shot wide in shock. She got the wallet and opened, to see a wedding ring inside it.

"What's so wrong about that?" Izuku asked as Inko sighed.

"It's kind of a sign, that he's passed on..." 

"Oh my god....." She cried as Izuku tilted his head, before recalling what his father told him yesterday.

"Look at me Izuku. Do I look alive to you?"

"Well, he did look like he crawled out of a gutter. So it was kind of expected." Shinsou said before getting grabbed by the ear,

"Walang respekto ha? (No respect, huh?)

"Sorry Ma!"


"Detective Midoriya." Tsukauchi called as the teen boy turned, his eyes droopy like he didn't get enough sleep.

"Well, would you look at that?  Aizawa 2.0." Hizashi joked as Aizawa blushed.

"You mean, 3.0"

"So are you confirming that Shinsou's your son?"



"Shouto Todoroki get down from your chair or I'll whack you."

"Yes, Detective Tsukauchi? You're drifting me away from sleep, please make it quick. Before they disturb me again." He groaned as Tsukauchi apologized.

"Even acts like him, kero." Tsuyu noted as Aizawa just gave a thumbs up.

"Forgive me, but I need the paperwork for the Bashu case." 

"Ahh...Yes. It's on your desk. Tomie left it there." Deku said as he walked towards his office.

"Who's Tomie?"

"TOMIE FROM JUNJI ITO?!" Deku and Tokoyami shrieked as Shinsou was at the edge of his seat.

"Invisible Snake Lady is cancer." 

"Oh hushhhh....You didn't get her even."

"I love skin, I get it."

"None of your business, Tsuki~"


Izuku laughed as he shut his door, denting his cigar on the plate before it was eaten by a flame.

"You shouldn't be smoking at such a young age Midoriya! I forbid it!" Iida scolded as Deku sighed before a hand was on his shoulder.

"He's annoying, isn't he?"

"Yeah." Deku turned to see himself, who just huffed smoke on his face.

"Hi." Deku coughed as Chakra (calling Detective Deku Chakra, bc why not?) waved his cigar around and sat beside All Might.

"Well aren't you a baddie." Denki flirted as Chakra rolled his eyes.

"You couldn't even handle a shot, weakling." Chakra grinned as he huffed more smoke in the air, making everyone cough from the scent.

"Smells bad..." Eri complained as she covered her nose, only to get a head pat.

"Sorry darling, but daddy's habit is hard to stop."


"I adopted her, dumbass. I ain't no [REDACTED]. If I was, her father'd be haunting me for the rest of my life." Chakra explained as everyone sighed.

"You have no idea what another version who is a [REDACTED] did. He [REDACTED] Shouto when he was 14 when he's 25." Everyone puked as Chakra coughed on his smoke.

"Sorry, she."


"Oh sleep, sleep." Midoriya mumbled as he collapsed on his couch before his phone rang.


"Is this Detective Midoriya?"

"Yes, whatever business, please be forward about it."

"This is Sir Nighteye, I have a special case for you."

"Please, don't make me interested." Deku pinched his nose as a black mass settled on his shoulder, nuzzling his cheek.

"I want your freaking cryptid." Tokoyami said as Dark Shadow huffed.

"Am I not good enough for you?" Dark Shadow dramatized as Tokoyami crosses his arms.

"You annoy me in the night."

"It's better if you have insomnia, because all cryptids are like that. Including sleep paralysis demons, who are mostly chill, by the way." Chakra said as a black blob cryptid purred on his shoulder.

"We've caught wind on the Bashu case, and it seems that it's connected to the Shie Hassaikai Yakuza case."

"Great, now I'm interested." Deku laughed as Sir Nighteye chuckled on the other end.

"Perhaps you could help us, with this issue. There's a little girl's life on the line." As Sir Nighteye said this a man in white hair stood in front of him.

"Papa?" Eri called out as Aizawa perked up only to see the figure in front of him.

"Oh..." Aizawa muttered before Eri tugged on his shirt.

"Papa, who's that?" Aizawa sweats, looking at Joshi who just shrugs.

"Someone, important."

"Yes, and her father is with me."

"Excuse me?"

"Her father's dead, isn't he?"


"Eri, that's her name."

"Yes... But we don't have any record of her parents, whatsoever." Sir Nighteye said as the man in front of Izuku gave a small photo of the little girl.

"Save her"

"In me on this one. Let's bring justice to his soul."

"Aighttt...That's heartwarming and sad at the same time." Hagakure said as the guys groaned.

"Come on, I just want true horror. Blood, guts, screaming and jumpscares."

"I have a good one for you."

"MIMI SAVE THAT FOR--" Mimi shoved in the VHS tape as Yuki and Joshi sighed.

"Oh whatever."

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