-Your hatchling is very clingy- Nagini said to Tom as she moved in discomfort; she was obviously not used to so much affection, especially from a small child.

Tom smiled and had to agree, but she was a baby still. -Her name isn't hatchling. It's Wynter- he told Nagini, yet when he said her name Wynter looked up at him let go of Nagini, and went about petting her scales in a careful manner. Tom had seen it this time and stood up, suddenly radiating hope and excitement.

"What?" Harry asked getting up to, worried, "What happened?" He looked at Wynter to see if she was injured but saw nothing.

Tom didn't reply and just knelt in front of Wynter. -Wynter- he hissed softly. And miraculously, Wynter looked up at him and smiled. Tom could only stare in shock.

"Oh my god," Harry whispered and dropped to the floor too, -Wynter. Look at mommy- he hissed and she turned her head to look at him and started babbling away at him.

"I can't believe it, she can understand us," Harry shook his head and laughed, "Well, looks like there is another parselmouth in the family."

"Yeah," Tom whispered, staring at his daughter in shock, "I never thought- never even considered the possibility that she could have inherited parseltongue."

"If you think about it, both her parents have the ability. It makes sense that she would get it; at least from you, as I am not a true parselmouth."

Tom looked at Harry curiously, but said nothing and instead placed his hand on top of Wynter's head and gently stroked a soft cheek as he looked at his daughter in pride.

-The Wynter-hatchling is another speaker then?- Nagini asked -Good-

Tom looked at his familiar with an amused smile, -Yes. She will be. And thank you, Nagini-

-I did nothing, master- she hissed back.

-On the contrary, you did very much. It would have been a long time for us to realize that she was a speaker if it weren't for you- Nagini only nodded her massive head in understanding.

-I guess it was worth it for you to come in here and scare me half to death- Harry said.

Nagini bowed her head to him -I am truly sorry Harry Potter, it was not my intention-

-Just Harry is fine- he hissed and then hesitantly reached out a hand to touch the snakes big head and she let him. -I hope we don't have any problems in the future-

-As you wish Harry. And I hope we do not either. Just keep master satisfied and all will be good. I like seeing his goofy smile in the morning-

-Nagini- Tom hissed in warning. A series of hisses came from the snake in response and Harry realized she was laughing. Harry couldn't help but smile too and gave Tom a suggestive look.

-I will take my leave now, master- she said and uncoiled herself from Wynter and headed to a large camouflaged flap that was near the door. Harry had never known it was even there.

"Well, that was a surprise," Harry said as he watched Nagini disappear into the hole, the flap closing behind her and disappearing. At least that explained why he never saw it. "But not that we can do anything about it yet, she has to start talking first."

"True," Tom muttered and stared out in thought. But he snapped back to himself before he could go too far."Speaking of surprises. I have one for you."

"Ooh? Dirty?" Harry asked with a smirk.

Tom held back a laughed, but he did smile; his blue eyes sparkling with mirth. "No."

"Where is it?"

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