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It had been about two weeks since Nines had been partnered with Gavin and he noticed a few things. Tina and Gavin were both childhood friends and were gay. They loved coffee, hated androids, and drank heavily. Tina had a pet fox named Jessy, Jade for short. While Gavin had a cat named Pumpkin. Gavin had teleportation, but refused to use them around Nines, and Tina had fire powers but mainly used them to reheat coffee.

"Gavin come on you need rest." The young woman looked at the detective concerned.

"At least take a day off without working. Have a meal that doesn't consist of coffee or ramen." Gavin shot her a look.

"I'm fine, T. I just need to finish this case..." Gavin rubbed his eyes and walked to the coffee machine. Tina looked at him and sighed.

"At least try to get rest, ok?" Gavin nodded and filled his thermos up.

"Detective, one of the missing people from our case has been found. Alive. They are currently at the hospital in surgery. -"

Gavin turned around. "And you want us to go check out where they were found." He nodded.

"Alright let's go." Gavin swiftly walked back to his desk, grabbed what he needed, and dragged Nines to his car.

"Detective I can walk-" "Don't care Tin can. Don't care."

Gavin let go and walked around to the driver's side getting in. Nines rolled his eyes as he got into the passengers. "Address."

Fluffy Ears a Reed900 Fanfic Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon