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"You can bust us out of here!! With your fire powers then I can teleport us-"

"no....we cant...I've tried..." She turn towards him with regret. "We have shock systems...and I have chains't work..."

Gavin groaned. "Come onnnnn. How do we get out then!? I overheard....." he stopped and looked down.

"We're going to be Kamskis test experiments..." Tina answers the question before it was asked. "The missing people...from that case....they're all here except....the ones that didn't make more people have gone missing.."

"When I last checked it was 7 including me is 8..." Tina looked down. "Mostly kids...a 14 year old and a 19 year old... the other 6 are 5, 9, 22.....the four that didnt make it and I dont know about the other one...apparently since their test went well and they got their results they were sold or.....nevermind."

Gavin glanced back up. "Sold....? To who...what are they even testing for..."

Tina looked away. "Faunus...that's what they're calling them...its like a furry but more human and can turn into the animal..."

"Wait what-" "We should get rest huh..." "what no!! You cant just-"

"night dumb*ss" Tina rolled over putting her back towards Gavin hissing in pain.

"What did he do..." "Goodnight'll find out anyway..."

Gavin looked at her with worry. "..fine......."

"Night Tina...."

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