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Conan had returned home and put all the groceries away before checking on Gavin. He had a feeling something was wrong.

"Gavin...Gavinnnn..." he knocked twice before entering. "I knew I shouldn't have left..." he checked the bathroom and everywhere else before walking back to the bedroom. Conan had turned on his magic sensors and tried to reconstruct what happened. About three minutes later he closed the window and left, driving downtown.

After about 30 minutes he arrived at where Gavin had last teleported to and sent Conner a message of where he was incase something happened. He walked in the direction then the magic vanished. He examined the area for a bit when something caught his eye. A small amount of blood splatter still wet. He took a small sample and placed it in his mouth analyzing it.

Name: Gavin Reed
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Job: Detective at Detroit Police Department
Sexuality: Gay
Blood type-

Conan stopped reading and looked around for more clues fileing a report while calling Hank and Conner.

"Detroit Police Department Conner speaking-"

"Conner its Conan. Gavin's missing and might be injured." Conner stood up and grabbed Hank. "Alright we'll be there soon."

Conner had run over to Fowler's office to explain where they were going before getting in the car with Hank and driving to where Conan was.

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