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Elijah panicked, if they tried to read Chloe's memories they'd be locked away. He heard Conan yell he looked over at Gavin, entered the room and grabbed him.

This was dangerous. Conan would kill him for touching Gavin, and Gavin would kill him in general.

Elijah ran out of the room and down the hall. Crap Crap they'll be here any second. This isn't good.

He took a breath and removed his shirt. He expanded two golden brown wings and flapped them silently. "Let's hope this works..." He climbed up a latter that led straight from the basement to the second floor.


A door from the basement flew open along with another one down the hall from where he is. Sh*t there's two of them. Oh God come on.

He opened the hatch quickly and closed it. Elijah silently made his way to the window and opened it.

Squeak. Squeakkkk. Pop.

He didn't move. Everything stopped. "Well sh*t." The door swung open as he jumped out the window

"Elijah!? Gavin!!" Conan screamed making the small cat move around in Elijah's hands, slowly waking up.

"Mmm.....Conan....? .....Eli?......" Gavin lifted up his head opening his eyes and looked down.

"WHAT THE ABSOLUTE PHCK!?" They were about 100 feet from the ground. "Elijah don't you dare let him go."

Conan yelled, now looking at them from the backyard. He was joined by Hank and Conner. Elijah laughed and pretended to drop Gavin making the cat hiss and scream.

"What's wrong kitty scared of heights?" Gavin was terrified absolutely terrified.

"How about this. Conan comes with me...and you get Gavin back." Everyone screamed no while Conan thought about it.

"Ok....then....just....just let me say goodbye?" Elijah landed and let Gavin run to Conan. He turned into his faunus form and tackled Conan crying.

"Hey its're ok...." Tina snuck up behind Elijah and shot his wing. Elijah screamed. The four jumped at the sound, Gavin burried his head deeper into Conan's chest to stop the sound.

"That. That is for hurting me. This is for hurting Gavin." She shot him again in the other wing twice.

"And this is for every single person and animal you hurt and killed." She shot him in first wing then walked over and stepped on it.

Elijah screamed like no tomorrow. He coughed up blood, crying. Gavin covered his ears while Conan covered his cat ears. "Stop it please....."

"Gavin...?" "Make....make it stop....." Gavin began crying his tail turned a crimson red while his eyes turned blue.

Fluffy Ears a Reed900 Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now