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Elijah's pov.

"DAMN IT." Gavin was missing. Hes the only one who knows what I'm doing. Chloe wiped the other's memories if they saw my face but... Gavin would never be sold...he was going to be a weapon for my use. He had some problems but we could fix that.

I sighed. At least I still have the notes. I just need to get Gavin back. Fast.

Third POV

Gavin stared out the window alert. He sensed something was coming but knew nothing was there. It was weird... Conan had reluctantly gone to work so it was just him and Tina.

"Hey Gavin...is it just me or does something feel off.." Gavin nodded as he opened the window to the fire escape. He stopped and jumped backwards panicking. "Gavin!? What's wrong!?"

Gavin. I know you can hear me.

Static hit his brain as he screamed in pain. "No!! Stop it leave me alone!!! Eli stop it!!"

No. You will come to me or else...Conan dies. He'll come back an empty shell. No memories, no deviancy. Completely empty.

Gavin gulped before slowly getting up. He was shaking but his breathing had calmed. "Gavin whatever you're doing. Don't."

If that won't work I'll just kill Tina too. But this time. While your watching. Right. Now.-

"Ok!! Elijah just don't....please... don't..."

Elijah smirked. You know where to meet me. Hurry up.

Gavin looked at Tina giving her a soft smile. The static disappeared from his ears. "I-I'll be right back... promise... just stall and don't tell Tin can ok?" Tina nodded and Gavin looked out the window and teleported.

Tina immediately called Conan. "Oh god oh god...CONAN Gavin's gone!!"

Conan jumped up from his desk and walked outside. "What do you mean, Gone."

"He went to open the window but then he started screaming for Eli to stop and...and leave him alone!!"

Conner and Hank walked outside, Conner connected to the call.

"Then his tail turned orange flickering red every few minutes then he ran off. He told me not to tell you but he's in danger!!!"

Then it hit Conan "Oh rA9 I'm so dumb.....I know who Eli is..." The two looked at him in confusion. "Elijah. F*cking. Kamski."

"I think I know where he's going...there's a tree at the top of a hill...it has two swings one on each side. One a tire the other a normal wooden swing.....their childhood home....I'll send you the- MPH--!?"

There was screaming and silence. "Do you really think it'd be that easy? Well...I'll just have to reset you, Conan."

"Y-you promised you wouldn't!!" Gavin's voice was barely audible. "You promised and I came!! You wouldn't hurt them...or erase his-"

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