Broken Promises.

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Conan's mind raced with different ways to kill Elijah.

"I told you. Not to speak!" Elijah threw Gavin against a wall.


"As I was saying...Gavin is my toy. My weapon. He does whatever I tell him to. He's broken. Just the way I like it. Now. Close the case. Or I kill not only Tina, but erase every single piece of evidence the DPD has. Including closed and on going cases." He walked over to Gavin lifting up his head with his foot.

Conan was seething fire at this point. He would snap every single bone in Elijah's body. Kill him then revive him again then leave him for dead. "Is that understood or do I have to send a video."

Gavin screamed as a snap was heard making everyone flinch. "We understand don't hurt him!!"

Conan would surely break every bone. Slowly. "Glad you understand. Good bye Conan. Gavin, come say goodbye. Hurry up." Elijah snarled.

Gavin got up holding his arm. "B-bye C-Conan love you!!"

Elijah hung up and kicked Gavin into a wall. He smirked. "Wow.....that's even sadder. You fallen in love with MY creation. I almost feel bad... don't worry you won't feel love anytime soon."

Gavin coughed up a bit of blood. "I-ive always loved my big brother-"

Elijah grabbed Gavin's head and slammed it into the wall. "SHUT UP. STOP IT. I HATE YOU SO MUCH!!"

Elijah knocks him unconscious as tears spill down his cheeks. He hated when this happened. Gavin still loved him as a brother. It reminded him of her promise...

"Elijah...protect Gavin....please....ok?" The toddler nodded as he heard a long beep. "Auntie? Auntie Eliza!?" The doctors rushed him out of the room.

Damn it... "Get him in the car..." Elijah ran off. He couldn't deal with this anymore. Gavin was always looking out for him, it pissed him off. On one side he was irratable and a whiny b*tch, but on the other he was kind and sweet. "Why the hell couldn't he just be a whiny brat!? It would have made this so so much easier!!" 

Elijah looked up at the sky. He knew Conan would arrive and kill him if he didn't get out fast. His thoughts were cut off by a loud bang. Nevermind then, he's already here. Chloe should have already left. Leaving me to him.

"Well long time no see, Conan." "Where. Is. He."

"Somewhere. No if you excuse me, I have a date with a metal bat and your lover's head." "Elijah don't you f-"

"Watch me." He teleported away leaving Conan to his rage filled self. 

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