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Gavin slowly got up wiping his tears and got up sadness quickly turning into anger. "E-Elijah...look..." 

Elijah walked back over to the window in confusion. "What the.."

Gavin eyes turn red as he growled. He turned towards the window walking over to it. The two stepped back. "Where. Is. He."

Elijah looked at Chloe. Gavin hit the glass hard. "Is.. this a side effect, becoming posseive? I remember Jenna was very possesive but she was a panther." 

It came out like a growl, snarled and venomous. "Where is MY Conan."

"Chloe use the knockout gas or something to get him sedated." Gavin growled louder and punched the glass to the point of it cracking and snapping. Chloe nodded and walked it over to the panel pressing four buttons.

Gas filled up the room making Gavin cough and wheeze. His vision filled with black dots as he tried to keep his stance. ".....conan......?" 

Gavin's vision faded black causing him to fall over with a small thump. His form slowly switching into his cat. Elijah and Chloe looked at each other then at him. They nodded before Chloe went inside and picked him up placing a small muzzle on his snout. She pet behind his ears then placed him in the middle of an empty room. She walked back, closing and locking the room. 

Elijah stared at him in shock and worry. This would be nearly impossible without Conan, and impossible with him. That'd be fine. We'd just have to- 

Ding Dong Ding

Elijah looked at Chloe like he's saw a ghost. They didn't say anything. They didn't move they just stared at the door. 

Knock Knock Knock Ding Dong Ding

"Chloe pretend you're a normal house android. Tell no one that we're here." She nodded and ran upstairs to the door.

She opened it, quickly and silently. "Hello how may I help you today?" 

"Where's Elijah. I know he's here." Conan looked as if, and probably would, rip her thirum pump without hesistation. "Elijah Kamski? He has not arrived in seven years eight months and two days. If you'd like I could send him a message-" 

"BULLSH*T!! Where the hell is he." Conner walked over to Chloe grabbing her hand and forcing deviancy. Chloe shuddered and coughed in alarm. While devaiting Conan grabbed her other hand and went through her memories. Before he could finished they were suddenly erased. Like they were never there. Conner and Conan jolted back.

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