Wake up.

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Gavin...Gavin. GAVIN.

He jolted awake and looked around. "Finally. Get up we have testing to do." 

It was a dream...wasn't it..Yeah...There's no way he'd love me...like I love him...

He nodded and got up following Elijah, silently. "Get into your cat form and onto the treadmil. We're doing top speeds, got it." 

He nodded as he poofed into a cat and ran inside, hopping onto the treadmil. After about 30 minutes he began slowing down in exaustion. He jumped off the treadmil and went to get some water. Gavin looked up at the window, after hearing a thump. Curiosity killed the cat. Keep running...

Gavin hopped up onto the treadmil and started running again. He swore he saw Conan infront of him making him burst into a full sprint. Over 80 miles an hour, his heart raced, he couldn't breathe, making him fly off the machine turning into his half human form, and slam into the wall. "Gavin!? That's a new record!? How the hell did you do that!? Please tell me he didn't break any bones." 

The Chloe next to me shook her head. "He's fine sir maybe a panic attack, let him catch his breath first.

Elijah nodded, "You get a break for now, since you set a record, you get a treat. How does that sound?"

Gavin was still shaking, he nodded quickly and swallowed. I swear Conan was in front of me..he was right there...

"Conan..." he whispered as he brought his leg to his chest. Tears spilled softly as his tail turned back to grey.

Chloe looked at him worriedly. She knew how important the mission was yet, she wanted to let him free so he could go back to him. That would get her killed, or worse. She looked over at Elijah who was combining a few chemicals. "Elijah? What exactly are you doing?"

He turned and looked at her. "Easy. By combining these chemicals I'm creating artificial fire and lighting, and by my calculations, Gavin should pick up on this. Since he's also able to weld two powers at once. Basically, I'm forcing his second power to be fire or lighting."  

Fluffy Ears a Reed900 Fanfic Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora