CH. 17 ~ Decision

Start from the beginning

"Alright then. I'm going."

"Are you completely sure? Being a pirate is--."

"I know. Being a pirate is dangerous and risky and there is probably no going back, but I know this is what I want to do." Eye-patch's expression shifts from worry to acceptance when he sees I've made up my mind.

"Very well then. Welcome to the crew, Sun-Mi," he extends a hand and I take it shaking it firmly.

"Thank you, Captain," I respond grinning from ear to ear. We stay like that for a moment before I hear a shout from the boat calling Eye-patch over.

"HONGJOONG! GET ON THE SHIP OR ELSE WE'LL LEAVE YOU!" Mingi waves down at us trying to get Captain on board. Eye-patch ushers me forward as we race up the gangplank to join the rest of the crew. The deck is bustling with energy and strength and people run up and down trying to get the Aurora ready to sail. Mingi runs up to us, a bit surprised at seeing me on board but he soon gets over it.

"Mingi, I'm gonna need you to steer the ship out of the port. I have something I need to do first," he nods following Eye-patch's order. As he passes me he pats my shoulder giving me a small smile before he walks over to the helm. Mingi starts to shout orders at the men who begin to work even faster, readying the ship. "Follow me," Eye-patch speaks up to me already heading into the direction of his Cabin. He opens the door letting me step inside but I freeze making eye-contact with those sweet hazelnut eyes.

"Y-Yeosang," A smile barely grazes his lips as he looks up from what he was doing when I say his name. Captain steps in behind me closing the door and walking over to Yeosang. Taking the piece of paper out of Yeosang's hands, Eye-patch whispers something to him. With a small nod, Yeosang makes his way over to where I'm standing not really knowing how to engage in conversation.

"Sun-Mi, I--" I cut him off, pulling him into a bear hug. It takes him a bit to relax but when he does, he wraps his arms tightly around me. His hug is warm and comforting. His scent of vanilla fills my lungs. So sweet and familiar. He was the first one to show me any kindness yet I cursed and yelled at him; I feel terrible.

"I'm so sorry for what I said. It was rude and insensitive a-and I was thinking straight. I shouldn't have been so mean to you, calling you a filthy pirate and a murderer. Please, forgive me." I apologize speaking into his shoulder. He runs a hand through my hair combing it lightly. Each stroke is kind and gentle just like the Yeosang I know.

"It's alright. I shouldn't have reacted the way I did. To be quite honest, I'm not even sure what happened to me. You looked so vulnerable I guess I just became a little overprotective. If it makes you feel any better, I'm banned from going into the market again." I laugh slightly breaking his warm embrace and smiling brightly at him. His cute little giggle appears again followed by his tiny smile. "I'm glad you chose to stay with us." He steps away squeezing my shoulders. Focusing back on the Captain we notice he has disappeared leaving a huge mess of the cabinets in the room.

"Uhh, Captain?" I call a bit worried when the table jumps startling both Yeosang and I. A minute whine is heard followed by a mop of caramel-colored hair popping up from under the desk. Eye-patch stands up massaging his head with an adorable little pout.

"Sorry, I was just looking for something I needed to return to you..." he trails off looking at a trunk pressed up against one of the walls. He walks over to it popping open the lock. "Aha! Here it is!" He pulls out a thigh strap with a sheathed dagger attached to it. Along with a gun and some gunpowder, he bounces over to where I stand next to a confused Yeosang. Pressing the items into my hand he turns around sharply going to sit on a chair without explaining why I'm now holding a dagger and a gun.

"Hongjoong, you need to explain to her why you're giving her these two weapons. If not she'll probably run away thinking we're taking her as a battle slave." Eye-patch blinks twice without responding and then opens his mouth a few seconds later.

"Right! My bad." He quickly sorts through some of the papers he scattered across his desk before continuing. "I had taken these objects away and had forgotten to give them back so here they are," he finishes with a smile going straight back to work and studying the map in front of him. I look over at Yeosang who just rolls his eyes and shakes his head disappointedly.

"We think that for your protection you should always carry a weapon with you. You'll also probably have to go through training to make sure you know how to defend yourself." He turns to Eye-patch slapping down on the table to catch his attention. The captain Jumps in his chair looking like a deer caught in headlights.

"Y-Yeah, That's what I meant to say."

"Anyways, You'll be taught by our battle masters. I promise they'll be gentle." I nod processing the information but not really looking forward to my new agenda. When I look at the two men they both seem to be working diligently on setting a course for their next destination. I decide not to interrupt them so, in lieu, I sneak out of the Captain's Cabin and make my way back to the sickbay.

Who could have thought that the Princess has decided to become a pirate? I feel giddy, excited... unstoppable. Bina was right. This is my calling. I am meant for more. And for once, I truly feel






A/N: So Ik this chapter was short but I was trying to wrap up this segment as we get into the next arc of the story. I actually don't know who I'm going to pair up Sun-Mi with yet so you might see multiple instances of fluff and other stuff with multiple members. Anyways ty for supporting me and my story thus far. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! 🥰

𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 (𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞!𝐚𝐮) 𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐙Where stories live. Discover now