(1) First Encounter with the CEO

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Gulf POV

"Shit! ill be late for sure! very good for your very frst interview gulf, very good!" *mumbling to himself*
"why this cars ahead of me is not even moving an inch! for heaven sake!" *continue to mutter*

he open the window and try to check whats happening infront, he can see police, "maybe an accident!".

decided to check his phone, the interview will start 30. minutes from now, its really his fault for taking his car from Joms (his sister) place where its a bit far, instead of staying at Mild (his bestfrnd) place, where it is nearer to the place where he needs to be interviewed! "Iam really doomed!"

~phone~ 📳

mild- where are you gulfie?.
gulf- been stuck w/ traffic, there is accident ahead of me!.
mild- fck! you think you still can make it?
gulf- not really sure, but i will still give it a try.

he can see that others cars starts moving now.

gulf- ill go now, its moving.
mild- take care. good luck!


Boat (one if his bestfrnd and executive asst.)

"can u send all the cv of the applicants here in my table, i wanted to briefly check and might as well join the screening since iam done with these documents.." referring to pile of paper on his table.

"yes boss, but isn't it ann will do the screening?" boat asked him in casual tone.

*mew is now standing and looking outside where he can see the whole city of bangkok, placing his hands inside his pocket*

"she will, but i wanna see some of the applicants, specially those who are applying for ass. photog. i want someone perfect for that position.." he says without even bothering to face boat.

"i see, ill go and get it then."

Gulf POV

"oh my god! i made it, but if i will not walk fast and get to that freakin' elevator i might be late for 5-10 minutes!" his babbling to himself.


"ann can you send mr. gulf kanawut in?" mew is asking his secretary.

"this applicant is not yet he- " ann suddenly stop when she saw a man running and started to claim his name.

"iam here! iam here! iam kanawut sorry" he is literally running after his own breathe.. *gasping* but as soon as he saw the man sitting inside the office.. he froze! he cant even move an inch! he is-

"hi! please come in and sit down!" as mew points the chair infront of him.

*gulf force to move, he didnt know how he actually reach the chair infront of this man!damn! is his eyes tricking him? wtf is happening?! he cannot focus anymore, there must be something wrong! how can this man be here where in fact he already die-

"mr. gulf kanawut? again can you hear me? you are almost late then you are not paying attention i think you're not ready to this interview!" mew is a bit upset right now since the interviewee is pacing out, his been trying to call his attention but nah! he just keep on staring him like a he see a ghost!

gulf just got back to his senses when he hear that knock on the table, plus he reads the name on that black and silver plate on the table too.. that says CEO MEW SUPPASIT!

"iam sorry sir, its just.. im really really sorry " gulf dont know how to explaine this weird situation he have right now, who would believed him for fck sake! he can't just find any correct explanation to why he is pacing out!

"if you are not yet ready! pls. don't just send your CV anywhere and waste the time of the interviewer, you may go now mr. kanawut! thank you!"

"sorry, ill excuse myself now sir!" only gulf can utter..

as soon as gulfs out of mews office he call mild..

Gulf calling to Mild 📳

mild- you finished? that fast?.
gulf- no i didnt get the interview! i mean i make it on time but i cannot answer the very first question!
mild- why? wtf happen?
gulf- you wont believed me, i cannot believed what i saw! the ceo is khai! i mean he looks exactly like khai but his name is Mew Suppasit! fuck! im shaking i dont know what to do!

"mr. kanawut?" ann approach him as he is still outside of mews office.

gulf- wait mild i need to hang up, call you later!

"yes phi?" gulf ask ann in a very respecting tone..

"do you still wanna continue the interview right? we have another schedule for applicant screening, i mean i understand you, some are just easily intimadated by sir mew, but he is really a good and considerate boss, i can put you on the next schedule of our screening if you want too?" ann is asking him if he still wants to be one of the applicant.

"yes pls phi! you are an angel, when is the next sched?" gulf ask her and controlling his body not to shake that much.

"ill check other applicants in the line and then ill inform you here if when is that ok? "

"sure, thank you so much phi!" gulf just can't believed that if ever there is still a slot he can still go with the next screening..

*Mew is fixing now his coat and was about to leave his office when boat came*

"oh your interview is done?" boat ask him.

"i was just starting to ask one of those applying for asst. photog., but cannot even answer my frst question! suck! iam not in the mood now so i asked ann to just take over the screening and let me know the results after!" shaking his head a bit, these past few days its really a bit of tiring mew thought to himself.

"maybe you are too harsh, and drop that very intimadating look, that won't help any applicant tho" boat can literally just tell whatever he please to tell, thats the perks of having your bestfriend as your executive asst.

"i wasnt, he seems pre occupied tho, might be a personal prob. anyway, im going down to buy my chocolate milk shake then go home! assisst ann if she needs anything, not to flirt with her!" but come to think of it maybe i was a little harsh that applicant seems really scared a bit, as realization comes to mew.

"hahahahaha you are so mean, i don't flirt at the office mr. suppasit!" boat just laugh at him and placing both of his hand on his waist.

"whatever, jerk iam going now!".

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