(4) A surprise visit

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mew arrived at his office..

"too early?" boat ask him as soon as he saw him.

"i drop by in the hosptal, so i came here directly after.. wait your not allowed to question me are you? " mew asnwer him smilling and teasing.

"iam not allowed if its office time, and its not yet haha"

"your crazy, btw-
but mew got interrupted as to boat already know he will be asking his schedule for today..

"your schedule for today is 9-10 am meeting with japanese investor, 11-12 quick board meeting, 1-2pm lunch meeting with the head of 3 branches that you requested, and 3-5pm is for you to review the contract send by the indian investors.."

"not really full hah?" mew grinning

"not really (stopping himself to laugh) "is that applicant ok now?" boat as to refer gulf, and trying to see mews reaction if its ok to talk about.

"yeah, he can go home later today." he just shrugged.

"you bring him to your uncle's hospital, uncles not surprise? "

"at first he is, but then when he check further he have this condition that i might get, (if i didnt change my mindset right now,) he somehow understand why im helping that applicant" but whats driving me insane is i still thinking about gulfs angelic face, shiaa i must be really really crazy.

"aww you have us u know right? anytime ok? " boat said sincerely then he tap mew shoulder.

"i know bastard! now get out of my office since i still have 30. minutes to rest before starting my day!"

"oh uh haha im out now! " he put his twi hands up before leaving while laughing.

singto calling...
mew- "yeah?"
singto- "any free time today?"
mew- "wrong timing bro my sched. is full boat just informed me"
singto- "i see i just wanted you to actually try my new recipe, but dont worry i can send it later to you condo is that fine?"
mew- "hmhm can you sleep over tonight? together w/ kris? "
singto- "you feel alone? yeah sure ill inform kris, im sure he'll be excited."
mew- "thanks sing"
singto- "anytime mew, chao."

before going home mew stop by at the convenient store nearby his condo to buy some whiskey/wine hes already out of stock... and he invited singto and kris to sleep over..as usual he is gaining attention from the guard to the cashier and to other customer as well, it sometimes bother him but as time goes by he is starting to be used of those kind of attention.

he was parking his car when he also saw singtos car coming.. he waited for them to park..

"hi mew how r u?" kris ask him first then give him a quick hug.

"iam ok, lets go up?"

singto/kris- "sure.."

his condo was in one of the most known condominiums in thailand..his unit was on the last floor as he occupies the penthouse, yup the whole freakin' floor..

"we already brought some foods for dinner, btw this is my new recipe better try and tell me how is it?" singto tells mew as they are now in the kitchen.

"sure let me get that and arranged." mew get some plates so they can eat, as he look at singto and kris in the sofa, he is thankful for his friends that understands him no matter what, they are those few he can fully trust, those few who stay wheather its his downfall or rise, singto, kris, boat, earth, and lhong they are family to mew more than friends.

kris and singto comfortably sit on his sofa in his living area and turn on the tv..

when they are starting to dig in their dinner and casually talking..

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