(13) Moving Forward

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"what can you say about Vaque? its been 5 months since they offer the collab, suprisingly they are still waiting for your answer? what do you think?" as boat asking mew, he is in his private office, sitting comfortbly in that gray couch while flipping the pages of their newest magazine collection that is about to release.

"i told mr. nadech that it would really be impossible, because of the expansion that we are making right now." he answer boat without even bother looking him, while he was busy reading an important email.

"when was that? his secretary call med just yesterday telling me that her boss is willing to wait for your answer tho."

"then let them wait, i didnt see anything wrong with that, i want to do the collab as much as they want too, but the expansion is more important than the collab right now." he release a big sigh after he finished reading the email.

"whats with the sigh?" he looks at him and see that he closes his eyes and starting to massage his head, so he asked again. "problem?"

"nah! this expansion really sucks my time and energy! but within two months its done! ugh two freaking months more."

they were bother by the sound of the intercom coming from anns office, mew push the button.

"yes ann?"

"sir mew, mr. gulf kanawut wants to ask permission if he can go upstair?"

"w-who? wait did i hear you correctly ann gul kanawut?" he look at boat and he seem so shock too, how the fuck gulf would be here since he did go back in brussels 5 fucking months ago!

"so sir?"

"yeah, yeah sure, tell him he can go up here." he didnt know why but he immediatley fix his long sleeves and some of the scattered files on his desk.

"why do you think his here?" boat ask him.

"i dont have any fckng idea boat! does your husband tell you something?"

"no he didnt mention abou-

boat didnt finished what he was about to say when they can see gulf outside of the glass door.

"well i gotta go, call me if you need anything ok?"

"yeah, sure.!"

"hi gulf, did you tell mild that you are here?"

"uhm" he smile and scratch his nape, "not yet, pls. dont tell him ill call him later pls?" his making puppy eyes to boat.

the nerve of this man using his charm with me boat thought "yeah yeah yeah no need to use that tantilizing eyes with me! it wont work!"

"oh, i thought its just did." he smile again "thank you boat."

"yeah, ill excuse myself then nice seeing you again gulf."

gulf answer him a nod and smile.

mew was really controlling not to hug this man! how he miss him, even more that he know that gulfs really love him! ugh control mew control!

"hey, what brings you her-

before he can even finished gulf already hug him so tight...his hands are on his waist, very tight, he hug back as tight as gulf is hugging him...

"i miss you mew, i miss you like crazy"

"i love you, i will always do."

beep beep beep!

mew waken up by his alarm, he open his eyes almost half closed then stop the alarm!

"ugh! another dream mew! another dream that gulf comebacks for you!"

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