(9) someone from the past

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"what do you think with the Vaque Magazine offer? did you read already the proposal?" boat is asking mew about this magazine that offering them to collab, but mew seems occupied.

he snapped his finger into mews face "hey mew? what are you thinking, is it about my engagement with mild?" then he sighted,
"i told you, if you are not yet ready you can pass, iam sure mild would under-

"no, iam ok, i was thinking of the vaque proposal, i wasnt thinking about mild bestfrnd if thats what you mean ok? and its your engagement how can i just let that pass! it was 3 years already boat im so over him ok?" ofcrs he lied.. he is dying to see gulf again after 3 years!

"are you sure? so this proposal you review already right?"

"yeah, i think its a win win for us, we will endorse them in thailand and other asian countries, while they will endorse us not just in europe but mainly western countries i think that will be fair enough, we all know that we already have clients in part of UK but nah we need to stabilize not just in UK so this is actually a good start for us"

"i thought so too, and they only had one condition and i dont think that would affect so much the deal if ever we agree."

"that they will send the head of their team here and work on the collaboration hand in hand with our visual team? i dont see anything wrong with that unless he is not willing to stay longer since the collaboration will take more than a year."

"hmhm i heard that he is the best photographer they have on the team, that is also the reason why he was selected to be the head of their whole team, impressive right?"

"you know him? where did you get that info?" he frowned and look at boat.

"nahhh we dont even have the name of their photographer, its just that the CEO executive asst. is quite talkative and spill this info. while we were on the phone.." boat explain.

"hmhm i see, so i think i can ask them to come after your engagement so we can focus on the contract signing and everything right?"

"sounds great, well i have to go and pick mild he wants to start buying stuffs that will be needing on the engagement, its 2 days from now so he feels a bit in a hurry."

"only us right?i mean just friends of yours and him? "

"yes mew, how many times do i need to tell you that, will be having a different engagement for the family with friends again ofcrs, mild just wanted to do this so you dont need guys to prepared any bachelors party haha" he winked at mew.

"wow you have a very clever husband to be". chuckled.

"you bet, i have to go now, you need anything that cannot handle by ann dont hesitate to call me ok? bye."

boat already gone, but he still stare on that door where he exited.. its been 3 year since i last saw gulf, the first year was so rough and hard, i actually though of giving up or even end my life, yeah iam idiot i try to overdosed myself but luckyly boat and mild was there, if they didnt come on time, i dont know what will happen next..after another year i decided to contact again the agent we had to check my brothers whereabouts when he left us, i set a place where we could meet up..

"hi sir mew" handshake

"yes, you tell me over the phone that you already had this info few years ago why didnt you tell us ?"

"im sorry sir but your parents stop us already, they paid us to stop and never investigate further since they want peace of mind."

"i see, i understand them, but what did you get?"

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