"Later, you both will meet me at the Han River Bridge, there we will part ways"

Sighing Suzy got up, and to my surprise, she glared at Ji Eun who avoided looking at her which surprised me even more. This is the first time I've ever seen them acting like this.

"Alright, so then we will take our leave. Let's get going now Baekhyun" She said frowning, shifting her eyes at me as I stood up abruptly. "Ji Eun, I don't know what is it that is going on in that mind of yours but I hope, this won't ruin us" Suzy's glare intensified while Ji Eun looks taken aback. "Whatever it is lets talk later"

With those words, Suzy walked out not even sparing one single glance at a very stunned Ji Eun who stared blankly at her best friend's retreating form. Following behind, I joined Suzy but just a few steps back letting her walk ahead.

Once we were at the bus stop, that's, when her frown seemed to bit, dissipate as in its place uncertainty took over.

"I know we both don't want this but there is no choice either" She spoke calmly. "At least let's get over with this in a friendly way"

Not having any choice but to nod we set out to our location that is Lotte world.

The day was going pleasant, I could say as we came to terms of spending this so-called date in a friendly way. Suzy wasn't bad as she has this fun-loving aura around her and for once watching her laughing and being carefree gave me a sense of warmth but it wasn't the warmth that made me feel safe or relaxed. Her face would lit up like a Christmas tree as soon as her eyes would fall over the different rides, big or small, and all types of toys, games, and food. Compared to me she was enjoying her fullest. At least one of us was having fun.

For once, she also dragged me along with her that let me put my guard down and let my worries fade away a bit but it didn't completely made my mood better as I still kept checking phone from time to time.

Now we each have ice creams in our hands as we sit a bit father in a more silent place where few people are also relaxing with their families or friends. I was still clutching my phone waiting for that someone to message me or call me.

As I glanced back at my watch it was already passed 7:30 and the clouds have already turned dark signaling the night falling in its place.

"We have a dinner reservation at 8:00 so, we should head there now," I said, getting impatient to get this all over with. I stood up eating the last bit of my ice cream. Suzy nods silently as we start to make our way towards the exit.

"This was not bad at all. Do you think we could you know come again someday" With a sudden halt of my steps she bumped into my back. Turning around to face her I cocked my brows at her.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean it wasn't bad at all to come here. Maybe we shouldn't give Ji Eun a hard time over this" She shrugs.

Rolling my eyes, I shook my head at her. "Giving her a hard time? Isn't it the other way around?" Snorting, I started to walk again only to halt again at her next words. Whats with her and her words making me stop.

"Well, it was not that bad, was it? You enjoyed being here too isn't it?"

Clenching my fist, I inhaled once, twice, and turned around to completely face her. Not Bad? Offcourse, I did enjoy it but I would have loved if I have spend this time with some else. What does she think we did today? We are just going along with our plan. What's there to remember it again. With an agitated look I completely faced her.

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