4: Absent

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"Hello, Mrs. Hemmings," Ashton said, coming inside and shaking my mum's hand.

"Hello, Ashton," mum said, closing the door behind him. "Would you like a muffin?"

Ashton nodded. "That would be absolutely spectacular."

I came down the steps, backpack on my shoulder and my hair neatly done. Not the usual bed head.

"Luke, you look lovely," mum said.

"Um, thanks."

Ashton followed my mom into the kitchen, and I was left to follow.

"Muffin," she offered Ashton, who gladly took one.

"Amazing, Mrs. Hemmings."

"I'll tell you a secret," she said. "They're from the store."

Ashton winked. "I won't tell anyone."

I looked around, secretly hoping Calum had silently slipped inside.

"Is anyone else with you?"

Ashton shook his head. "Calum drives himself to school and Michael usually walks."

I just nodded, but I was actually a bit upset. I was really hoping Calum would be here.

"We should go, don't want to be late," I suggested.

Ashton nodded. "It was nice to meet you, Mrs. Hemmings."

"Actually, I go by Higgins. But you, dear, can call me Liz."

Ashton nodded. "I'll drop him off after school too. Make sure he doesn't get into too much trouble. Or join a gang. Your little boy is in safe hands, Liz."

I'm pretty sure my mum instantly regretted allowing Ashton to drive me.

We went outside to Ashton's car. A new black thing. I'm not good with cars- I never was.

We arrived at school a few minutes later, Ashton talking the entire way over about all the clubs he was in charge of and what I should join and what I shouldn't join, but I was only half listening. I'm not a club kind of person. Ashton was. He was very responsible. But from what I can tell, he's in charge of these clubs but doesn't actually participate in them...

Calum drives himself to school. Michael usually walks. How can I get Calum to drive me to school?

I shook my head. I need to calm down. I'm being quite ridiculous, constantly thinking about Calum. I'm just... Curious as to why he doesn't talk. I've never met a mute person before.

Ashton and I walked into school, waiting in the lobby for Michael to join us. He came in, his hair a new shade- bright blue.

"Michael, you look like a smurf," Ashton said.

"Shut the fuck up. I didn't leave it in long enough and now it's like this," Michael said, pulling a beanie over his hair.

"I like it," I said.

Michael shot me a half sarcastic smile. "Thanks, Luke."

I closed my mouth. He was in a very bad mood, and I had no intentions of getting in his way. I looked around- again- for Calum.

"We should go to class, we're going to be late," Ashton said. "Calum must have gone straight to class."

I nodded. "Okay."

We all separated to go to our different classes, my stomach turning at not only the idea of another hell filled hour and a half with Miss. Buton, and I didn't do my homework, but at the fact that I hadn't seen Calum today. It just made me nervous.

I walked into class, on time today, and took my seat next to Calum's empty desk. He didn't show up in the lobby, he didn't show up when the bell rang, and he didn't show up halfway through class. I opened my book to the title page, seeing the numbers in red that gave me butterflies.

I forgot about his phone number. I hadn't touched my book since math yesterday, and I never had a chance to text him.

I put the number into my phone and typed out a message.

Where are you?

I looked at it, unsure if it was okay.

Hey, where are you?

No, the hey was stupid.

Where are you?

I pushed send and quickly hid my phone as Miss. Buton came around. We were supposed to be reading, but I was now thinking about the text. I hope it wasn't too weird that I'm asking where he is. Well, I am in his english class, it's english right now, it's not weird. It's totally fine.

I felt my back pocket vibrate. The rest of the class heard it as well.

"Mr. Hemmings, I understand you are new to this school but I would expect your old school had the same policy about cell phones- not during class."

It buzzed again. And again. People snickered. My face blushed.

"Turn it off. Now."

I nodded, pulling my phone out and turning it off without being able to see what it said.

The last half hour of the class was torturous, not knowing what Calum said back, if he even responded at all.

When the bell rang, I turned my phone back on, praying for it to load faster. I checked it twenty times as I walked to choir, it finally turning on when I got into the classroom.

"Luke, was Calum in class today," Ashton asked, running up to me.

I shook my head. Ashton called someone on his phone. He looked at mine. "Why didn't you respond to my messages, fuck."

I looked down at my screen. Nine messages from Ashton Irwin.

"I'm sorry, I had to turn it off my teacher was about to kill me."

He shook his head. "It's fine."

I watched him, something was wrong. "What's going on."

He gave me this look, this look like he knew something I didn't and he did not want to share. That it wasn't his place but he knew he would have to tell me anyway.

Then his face changed entirely. "Make some sort of goddamn noise so I know you're alive." He paused, and relaxed. "Fuck you. Next time answer my texts."

Ashton hung up, and his shoulders fell back to their normal position. I looked to him for an explanation, and he chewed his lip. "Calum does rash things sometime. I just wanted to make sure he's okay."

I nodded. "Is he home sick?"

Ashton shrugged. "I don't know, I don't even think he's home. He turned up the radio so I knew he was there. Probably in his car somewhere."

So Calum like, doesn't talk. Ever.

"Is he skipping?"

Ashton shrugged. "He does this a lot, just goes away for a weekend or skips school for a week."

My stomach fluttered. "You think he's skipping school for a week?"

The teacher walked into the room, and we had to sit in our seats. I took the seat next to Ashton, and he said, "No. Something probably happened and he just needs some space and time to think. He's like that, you know? Just needs to clear his head. He's not good when a lot is happening to him at once. He gets... He just can't think things through right. He'll be back tomorrow."

I nodded, turning my attention to my phone at last. Calum had texted me back.

On an adventure

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