38: Didn't Meet Expectations

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Calum called. Woke me up on a nice, Saturday morning. At eleven.


"What concert," I asked, still half asleep.

"The Green Day concert. It's today," Calum said.

I sat up, suddenly wide awake. "Oh my god- YES!"

I got up and jumped in the shower, putting Calum on speaker phone. We talked the entire time I got dressed, too. I was so excited that I didn't want to stop talking to him. I had completely forgotten that the concert was today- and if we were out, this would be so much more fun.

Calum eventually had to get in his car to come and pick me up, and I hung up. I didn't want him crashing his car before he got here. That would kind of ruin the entire day.

I went downstairs, finding my mom sitting on the couch watching some reality tv show.

"Hey, mum. So, Calum got us some tickets to see Green Day and Ikindofforgotthedateanditstodayandhesonhiswaynowthankyouloveyou," I said.


I sighed. Now she decides to care about what I do?

"Calum. As in Hood."

"I got that part."

I smiled. "He got us Green Day tickets. The concert is today... Sorry. I forgot the date. He's on his way to pick me up."

She nodded. "I don't know how comftorable I am with that."

I bit my lip. "Yeah, but you see, it's Calum."

My mum waited for me to continue. I remained silent. That was my argument.

"Okay," she said. "I guess you can go."

Oh, I wasn't asking for permission. "Thank you," I said, kissing her cheek. "I'll be home before tomorrow."

Mum looked at me. "Midnight, you better be inside this house."

I nodded. "I will."

The doorbell rang. Perfect timing.

"Thank you," I yelled behind me, walking to the door. Calum was standing there, black jeans and a sleeveless white shirt. I took his hand and led him inside, running up to my room with him following me, still holding my hand.

"I'm so excited," I told him, kissing his cheek. "Thank you."

Calum shrugged. "Never a problem."

I finished throwing my things into a back pack and quickly tried to throw the lube in without Calum seeing. You never know.

We walked back down the steps, mum waiting for us at the bottom.

"Hold on, let me get your picture."

I groaned. "Mum."

She ignored me. "Stand right there."

Calum and I stood together at the bottom of the steps, him throwing his arm around my shoulder. We both smiled, and then were blinded by my mum's flash.

"Mum, you need to turn off the flash," I said. "I can't see."

"Sorry," she said insincerely. "Now you two stand together in front of the door-"

"Bye Mum, I'll see you tonight," I said, cutting her off and pulling Calum behind me and out of the house.

"Can your mum text me that photo?" Calum asked.

"I'll give you her number."

We got into Calum's car, him immediately turning on the music before he did anything else. I took his IPod and went through his songs, trying to find a really good one. Calum had a good taste in music, so it wasn't hard.

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