45: The End

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Before this book ends, I want to say thank you for everyone who read this story, voted, commented, added to their reading list, followed me, messaged me- anything and everything. You are all so lovely, this last chapter is dedicated to every single one of you. A million kisses. Thank you for 300k+ reads. I'll see you all soon

-S xoxo


My mum and I drove over to Michael's house around six. I guess I shouldn't say my mom and I- she did all the driving. I really needed to learn to drive. Calum, Michael and his date, and Ashton were already on the lawn. Michael was wearing a suit, but he didn't have the jacket on. His date- a cute brunette with (you guessed it) the tips dyed blue. The hair matches her dress, which was also blue. Ashton was in a worn in looking suit, his hair pulled back into a bun. I didn't know why he was here, since he's a senior and this is junior prom. But whatever he wants.

Calum was wearing a new suit. All black and white, with a grey bow tie. Damn, he looked so hot. It took me a minute to realize I should get out of the car. I had been staring, speechless at my boyfriend. Damn.

I got out of the car, not sure what to do next. I walked over to the group, and thankfully Calum made the first move. He hugged me, and I hugged him back. He smelled like the cologne I bought him at the mall the other day. I loved it.

When we pulled away, Calum kissed my cheek. "You look so hot," he whispered in my ear.

"I'm speechless," I managed, knowing I was blushing.

After a million pictures and a billion "accidental" butt touches between me and Calum (laughing after everyone because we have the maturity level of a five year old) we were ready to leave.

"You have your ticket?" Mum asked.

I pointed to Calum.

"Your extra money?"

I tapped my pocket.

"Your phone?"

I tapped my pocket again.

"Your ID?"

"In my wallet, I have it all mum."

She kissed my cheek, pulling me in for a hug. "You look so handsome, Luke. I wish your dad could see you. He would be so proud."

"Of what?"

"That you're going with Calum."

My stomach dropped. My dad still doesn't know I'm gay. That's another problem, another day, I guess.

"Have fun. Be safe. If there's drinking, absolutely no driving."

"Calum doesn't drink," I told her.

Mum nodded. "He's the good one."

I smiled, nodding with her. "Yeah."

She gave me one last hug and a kiss before I left with Calum. We got into his car and followed Michael in his nice, new all black Mustang.

"So, are you ready?"

I nodded, holding Cal's hand. "Are you?"

He nodded, squeezing my fingers. "When you first met me... Did you ever imagine, us?"

I shrugged. "No."

Calum nodded, continuing to drive.

"Did you?"

He nodded. "I knew that if you were gay, I would take you to prom. I decided it that first day, when I gave you my number."

I smiled at the memory. "In your book."

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