21: Another Day

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Calum slept over last night. My mom came home sometime around 12, neither Calum nor I realizing how late it had gotten. Mum offered to drive us to school the next morning, and it seemed like Calum's mom didn't care about what he did. She has her hands full with Mali Koa.

"You can sleep in my bed, I'll take the floor," I offered.

Calum shook his head. "We'll both sleep in the bed."

I smiled, hoping he would be the one to suggest that.

"Okay, but I'm not sucking your dick again."

Calum blushed, throwing a pillow at me. "Didn't want you to. You use too much-"

Mum walked in. "We have to leave at 7:30," she said. "Go to sleep."

We both nodded, thankful Calum stopped talking when he did.

"Cal, will you sleep in my clothes?"

He nodded, wrapping his arms around my waist. "If you want."

I handed him a pair of sweats and one of my old football jerseys.

"You played football?"

I nodded.

"Me too," he said. "I was pretty good."

"I've heard you were amazing."

"From who?"

I shrugged. "Ashton."

Calum laid in my bed, snuggling up beneath the blankets.

"I was okay. I don't play anymore," he said quietly. "Apparently my therapist thought it wasn't a good idea."

I turned off the lights. "Why not?"

"Because Harry played."

I closed my eyes. Right.

"Are you okay," Calum asked. "I'm sorry."

I slid under the blankets and propped my head on my hand. "Why are you sorry?"

Calum sighed. "I feel bad for putting all this on you, but you should know."

I nodded.

"You should know everything about me, and I about you, if we are going to do this."

"Do what," I asked, purposefully wanting to make Calum say it.

"Date," he said. I could hear the smile.

"Well, in that case, I think there's something you should know about me," I said.


"I'm gay."

Calum punched my arm. "I'm serious."

I laughed. "Okay, fine. Don't kill me, but I smoke a little weed."

Calum laughed. "Is that it?"

"I've done worse."


"Cocaine. Acid."


I shook my head. "I don't want to fuck up my life, I want to get high."

Calum nodded. "I see. Anything else I should know?"

I considered that. I kissed Calum's nose. "For another day?"

He nodded, moving closer to me.

"Another day."

I kissed his forehead. "What about you? Any drugs?"

Calum shook his head. "Nothing that you smoke. And nothing since I moved."

"But before?"

He was silent for a moment. "That's in the past. Right? You're drug days are in the past?"

I nodded. "Mostly."

Calum laced our fingers together. "Good. Drugs... Make you not you."

I nodded, pulling Calum closer to me. "I'll always be me."

Calum was silent, his chest falling and rising with mine. We stayed together for a bit, just laying together. I kissed the back of his head and rolled over, closing my eyes and quickly falling asleep.

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