24: Deep Talk

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Excuse the slightly intoxicated writing but whenever I drink I get hot and I'm so uncomftorable I can't sleep. And I'm kind of horny rn. Oops. Also sincere apologies for the lack of a creative title. "Deep Talk." Nice one, Serena.

Going back editing this, I think it's good to leave that haha


"Luke," my dad said when he walked into our house. "I've missed you."

He pulled me into a hug, and I half hugged him back.

"Hi dad," I said.

"Luke, you look old," he said. "Do I see facial hair?"

I shrugged.

He lowered his voice. "And is that a hickey?"

My cheeks flushed.

My dad winked.

I wanted to die.


Me: He's been here ten minutes and I already want to run away to your house.

Calum: The window is unlocked

Me: Ha ha ha. Note the sarcasm in that laugh.

Calum: What happened?

Me: The usual father son bonding attempts.

Calum: You're overreacting

Me: You're no help

Calum: Have fun :)


My dad and mom didn't want to be left alone with each other, or so it seemed. Every time I tried to leave, I was pulled right back. Even just going to the bathroom was hard to do.

"How are you adjusting to school," my dad asked.


"Making new friends?"


"Any hard classes?"


"Which ones?"


"I thought you were good at English, always were back home."

"I'm not home anymore."

My dad faltered for a moment. "You're right. You should come down and visit sometime."

My mom spoke up. "Luke can't miss school."

My dad nodded. "Maybe for Spring Break."

I shrugged. Like I wanted to be with him over my spring break.

We fell into an awkward silence, none of us knowing what to say.

I pulled out my phone.

Me: Please come over

Calum: You didn't want me to

Me: I change my mind

Calum: Serious?

Me: Please hurry

Calum: I'll be over in half an hour

Me: Twenty?

Calum: Twenty but I'll need you to cook me lunch.

Me: Hurry :)


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